Spelled wholegrain bread awarded as Bread of the Year 2018

Spelled wholegrain bread awarded as Bread of the Year 2018 / Health News
Bread of the Year 2018: spelled wholegrain bread - slightly nutty in the taste
Germany is the country with the largest variety of bread worldwide. Over 3,000 different specialties are offered, reports the German Bread Institute. The spelled wholegrain bread has been named "bread of the year 2018". Because the bread is particularly tasty, easy to digest and valuable in terms of health. At the same time, it combines tradition with a modern diet.

Spelled Bread: Healthy bread and tasty! (Image: morissfoto / fotolia.com)

More and more consumers are interested in old cereals and varieties. Like bread wheat, emmer and einkorn spelled belongs to the genus Triticum and is already from the 6th century BC. Known. The individual grains are "bespelled". This means: The hard shells must be removed in special peeling mills. In the 20th century, the cultivation decreased due to the low yield. For several years, the benefits of the original grain have been appreciated again and it is experiencing a renaissance.

Spelled wholegrain bread is fine-grained to pithy. An advantage is that the bread stays fresh for a long time. Since spelled tends to dry, often a source piece is first used. For this purpose, a part of the ground spiked with hot water is brewed. Also doughs are used. According to the German Food Book, at least 90 per cent of the cereal milling products must come from the full spelled grain, which comprises peel and seedling. Other ingredients include water, salt and yeast, as well as oilseeds such as sunflower seeds or flaxseed. This underlines the nutty character of spelled bread. Heike Kreutz, bzfe