DIHK calls for abolition of the health fund

DIHK calls for abolition of the health fund / Health News

End of the unit contributions demanded by the health insurance companies


According to estimates of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), the unitary contributions of the statutory health insurance companies are charged to the competition. The Deputy Chief Executive of the DIHK, Dr. Ing. Achim Dercks, therefore, was in favor of repealing the current regulation of the health fund and instead allow the health insurance companies to set their contribution rates individually.

Like Dr. Dercks opposite the „Handelsblatt“ explained, in his view „the statutory health insurance funds can set their contribution rates individually again so that cost differences between them become more visible.“ This would stimulate competition and insured companies as well as companies could benefit from significant price signals, according to the deputy DIHK managing director. The contribution ceiling should, according to Dr. Dercks continue to exceed 15.5 percent of income.

Too little financial autonomy of the health insurance companies
Currently too „low financial autonomy“ The statutory health insurance companies have the consequence that cost differences will not come to fruition and the competition will be prevented, so the assessment of the DIHK. Although statutory health insurances (GKV) achieved a surplus of around 20 billion last year, contributors do not benefit in the form of premium reductions. According to the deputy DIHK managing director, this is unacceptable, which also requires legislative consequences. Dr. According to Dercks, there is a need for a fundamental course correction in German health policy. The applicable since 2009 for all statutory health insurance contributions of 15.5 percent must be repealed or should in the future only be considered as the upper limit for the individually collected contributions of the health insurance.

Signals due to falling contribution rates
If the health insurance fund can determine its own contributions, then the „Cost differences between them again easier to see“, explained Dr. Achim Dercks. There are also more opportunities for the health insurance companies to let their insured parties participate in positive financial developments. „Longer-term signals through falling contribution rates would be the right way“, so the opinion of dr. Dercks. The cap on a maximum of 15.5 percent of income prevents the labor market from being burdened more by future increases in healthcare costs. All costs incurred by the insurance companies, they would therefore continue to cover additional contributions.

GKV Spitzenverband also for contribution autonomy
Also the central association of the legal health insurances had said itself about two weeks ago for a reintroduction of the contribution autonomy. As the chairman of the GKV-Spitzenverbandes, Doris Pfeiffer, to the „Rheinische Post“ explained, the required competition between the health insurance companies also requires price competition. Currently, this is limited to additional contributions and premium distributions. In the opinion of Pfeiffer, the clear surpluses of the health insurance funds would have led to falling premiums for existing premium autonomy. Individual statutory health insurance companies have confirmed to them that under previous conditions they have already reduced their contribution rate for comparable surpluses.

DIHK favors controversial capitation
The DIHK favorite head rates - „consistently wage-independent, lump-sum premiums, which raises each fund individually“ - Although they offer a high degree of financial autonomy in the health insurance. But they also leverage the solidarity principle of health insurance in a way. Because similar to the tax, the previous income-related insurance premiums caused a higher participation of high-earners, while low-income are burdened much lower. The SPD, Left and Greens are therefore strongly against the introduction of a corresponding capitation, in which the bakery saleswoman in the end has to pay the same rate as a bank director. (Fp)

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Health insurance: What changes 2016351a2cc0b08c03> Credit: Benjamin Klack