The liver suffers dumb Anyone who is constantly tired, may be suffering from the liver

The liver suffers dumb Anyone who is constantly tired, may be suffering from the liver / Health News
Fatigue and lack of concentration after vacation: signs of liver disease
We are in the midst of the holiday season: for some, the holiday is imminent, others are just in distant lands and some are already back from their trip. The one or the other vacationers brings unfortunately unwanted "travel souvenirs" home, for example, liver disease. Constant tiredness can be a hint for this.

Tired and exhausted after the vacation
Actually, a holiday should make you happy and healthy, but many a returnee feels inexplicably tired and exhausted after the holidays. Those who show such symptoms and have previously been in warm areas such as the Mediterranean, should have his liver examined. This also applies to lack of concentration and lack of drive. Because these can be signs of liver disease such as hepatitis A. The professional association of established gastroenterologists has pointed this out in a communication.

If you feel tired and exhausted after your vacation, check your liver. This is especially true when they were traveling in warmer climes. (Image: Volker Witt /

More than half of the infections are travel items
"Hepatitis A is one of the most common unwanted travel souvenirs," said liver expert Dr. Karl-Georg Simon from the professional association of established gastrointestinal physicians. According to the information, more than half of all infections with the hepatitis A virus are travel-related products in Germany. The pathogens are transmitted, inter alia, by contaminated drinking water or inadequately prepared foods. Many patients often do not know about their liver inflammation.

The liver does not hurt
According to the experts, the liver does not hurt. The complaints she causes are often unspecific. A simple check of the liver values ​​as part of a routine check at the family doctor can quickly clarify here. In healthy people, the disease usually heals after a while by itself. However, for older, ailing or concomitantly burdened people, the infection can be a risk to health. Recognizing hepatitis in good time can even be lifesaving in exceptional cases. Dr. Simon advises people who take holidays in warmer countries to get vaccinated. (Ad)