The most common myths and facts about asparagus

The most common myths and facts about asparagus / Health News

Asparagus: myths and facts

Asparagus is the most popular seasonal vegetables of the Germans. The per capita consumption is a good 1.6 kilograms and that, although the vegetables are traditionally harvested in Germany only from mid-April to late June. Some myths and facts have been compiled by the Federal Center for Nutrition.


  • Asparagus: myths and facts
  • Asparagus as a slimming agent
  • White, green or purple
  • An aphrodisiac?
  • The freshness makes it
  • Shelf life in the freezer
  • Asparagus pipi smells
  • Why traditional ham for asparagus?
  • Short season

Asparagus as a slimming agent

Especially in spring diets are around the summer bikini and swimming trunks figure in the trend. The fact remains that there are no "slimming products" at all, but the asparagus contains a lot of water, hardly any fat and only 20 kilocalories per 100 grams. AND he's still full for a long time. For calorie-conscious so a top-vegetables. In addition, 500 grams of asparagus already cover 80% of the daily requirement for vitamins C and E and almost half of the folic acid and potassium needs. In addition, it contains various phytochemicals, which among other things, an antibacterial and even anti-cancer effect is attributed.

Finally, the asparagus season has begun. Hardly any vegetables are more popular among the Germans than the white and green bars. Experts have some tips for preparing the noble vegetables. (Image: karepa /

White, green or purple

Most asparagus lovers prefer the so-called white asparagus. He stays light because he grows up underneath earthen walls without sunlight and is stung as soon as his head slightly raises the earth's crust. This asparagus tastes particularly mild. Somewhat stronger in the taste is the violet pale asparagus. He is only stung when his head has already broken the surface slightly. Due to this small amount of light, the asparagus tips of these varieties are colored violet by anthocyanins. And green asparagus grows above the earth and forms by the sunlight the green colorant chlorophyll and thereby tastes spicier. Its poles are usually thinner than pale asparagus and you do not have to peel it or only on the lower third of something.

An aphrodisiac?

Asparagus officinalis - the botanical name of the vegetable asparagus - is often said to increase pleasure. This is scientifically unclear. But asparagus probably owes much of its phallic form to this reputation. The genus name asparagus is derived from Greek "aspháragos", translated "young shoot". The species name "officinalis" refers to its medicinal effect. The young asparagus shoots were used in China over 5,000 years ago for bladder problems and cough, and the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans appreciated its healing power and cultivated it as a crop.

The freshness makes it

Asparagus is a delicate vegetable. It loses aroma and tenderness from the time of harvest, meaning that the longer you transport and store it, the worse the quality. Fresh asparagus looks slightly shiny, firm and crisp. The head is firmly closed, the rods feel tight and quite typical: they squeak when rubbed against each other. The interfaces are moist and juicy and smell pleasantly aromatic. The asparagus tastes best on the same day of the harvest.

Shelf life in the freezer

Fresh asparagus holds a maximum of two days. Simply wrap it tightly in a damp cloth and then in the fridge. Green asparagus also keeps fresh with some water, standing in a jar. But asparagus can also be frozen well. The trick is: wash the bars and peel, but in no case already cook, otherwise it is thawed completely mushy. Frozen asparagus lasts between 8-12 months when frozen. For the preparation comes the frozen asparagus directly into the hot water.

Asparagus pipi smells

Is only partially true. Responsible for the specific smell are fufelhaltige degradation products of the asparagus acid contained in the asparagus. For the degradation and the associated odor an enzyme is responsible, which, however, not every person carries in itself. There is also evidence that not everyone can smell it. If you are bothered by the smell, it is recommended to drink a lot. That dilutes. Incidentally, the odor-intensive substances also enter the breast milk, which changes their taste. Accordingly, breastfeeding women should be aware of whether their baby accepts the breast milk.

Why traditional ham for asparagus?

Asparagus and ham used to be almost ready at the same time. If the asparagus could be stung in the fields, then the ham from the slaughter had matured in the winter. So ham and asparagus were both pleasures long to give up, which in a sense symbolized spring and the end of Lent.

Short season

Every year from 24 June, the St. John's Day, is over with asparagus. And there is a good reason for that: The asparagus plant needs rest. Because with the caps of the asparagus sprouts, you take the plant the opportunity to produce energy. And they need them to produce vigorously again next year. From the 24th of June, the shoots can finally reach light and photosynthesis. The plant is then green, forms pseudo-leaves in the form of narrow needles and can grow up to two feet tall. Harald Seitz, bzfe