Overcome the spring fatigue

Overcome the spring fatigue / Health News

Movement, light and fresh air against the spring fatigue


Spring fatigue is a very common phenomenon, which is inter alia associated with the various changes in the organism due to the warmer weather and the longer sunshine duration. Peter Chancellor, the editor-in-chief of „pharmacy magazine” explains in an interview which causes of spring fatigue can be the basis and how this is best dealt with.

While life awakens and most people experience positive spring feelings, unpleasant side-effects of spring and spring fatigue can be a major burden for some. Listlessness and chronic fatigue determine their daily lives. Although the phenomenon of spring fatigue has not yet been clearly scientifically proven, there are indications that many people are especially tired in the spring, reports Peter Kanzler in the current release of the „pharmacy magazine“.

Tired and tired
The editor-in-chief of „pharmacy magazine“ suggest „Scientists that at the end of the dark season there is still a lot of melatonin circulating in the blood and this hormone just makes us tired“ makes. Chancellor also has an explanation for the reduced performance. In general, many people would be sensitive to the warm spring weather. „At the higher temperatures, the vessels are wide, the blood pressure drops. The result: you feel limp“, Chancellor continued.

If necessary, have a doctor check for tiredness
Although the typical spring fatigue according to the announcement of the „pharmacy magazine“ rather harmless, but with strong complaints a visit to the doctor is advised. „Anyone who feels permanently tired should go to the family doctor“, reports Peter Chancellor. As possible causes are according to statement of the chief editor of the „pharmacy magazine“ for example, chronic work-related overload, hypothyroidism or anemia. „That needs to be clarified. If the fatigue is temporary, you can get a good grip on it“, Chancellor continued.

Tips against the spring fatigue
The editor-in-chief of „pharmacy magazine“ also mentions various tips in the current article, with which one can tackle the spring fatigue. In principle, Chancellor recommends going out as often as possible, even in bad weather. „Lots of daylight, exercise and fresh air make us fit“, reports Peter Chancellor. Important is also „a balanced diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.“ Furthermore, of course, should sleep enough, advises the chief editor of „pharmacy magazine“.

Physically active throughout the year
The „pharmacy magazine“ stresses in the current communication that it is important to stay physically active throughout the year. „Better to take the stairs instead of the elevator and if possible leave the car and walk“, so the reference of the health magazine. Because a trained body makes us more resilient, we stay healthy longer and feel better. (Fp)

> Image: Sarah Blatt