Rebuild the intestinal flora

Rebuild the intestinal flora / Health News

This strengthens the weak immune system


Every year at the beginning of autumn the cold season is announced. The recommendations for strengthening the immune system usually range from more or less drastic methods of curing to enormously high-priced vitamin preparations. But instead of exposing the body to icy spills and nutritional supplements, it is more reasonable and much more effective to completely revise its nutrition and exercise profile.

„For the status of the immune defense between seriously ill and highly resilient the intestine is one of the main responsible persons. This connection was recognized more than one hundred years ago by Austrian naturopath F.X. Mayr. The International Society of Mayr Physicians works according to its principles, which have been constantly supplemented and updated by modern examination possibilities“, explains Dr. med. Alex Witasek, President of the International Society of Mayr Doctors.

The microbiome: One to two kilos of foreign life in every human being
Important is the balance of the immune system. It can be influenced by a healthy intestine. Here are far more T-cells, which are responsible for the defense reactions of the body, as in other lymph nodes. Studies [1] have shown that a disturbed biodiversity of intestinal bacteria is important for many diseases such as Crohn's disease, allergies, diabetes or obesity. But so far, the microbiome, which consists of one to two kilos of bacteria, not yet decoded. Counts are still running on the number of species found here. However, we already know that it is 100 trillion, which means that 90 percent of the genes that are in our body are not human but come from these intestinal bacteria. Also, the interaction within the intestinal flora scientists have not yet completely decoded. However, many sub-mechanisms are well researched meanwhile. Dr. med. Alex Witasek complains that critics repeatedly refer to the incomplete state of research when it comes to the discrediting of measures for colon cleansing and remediation. They like to overlook these studies. „Iron Age people did not yet know the structural formula of iron. Nevertheless, they have produced useful tools. You have just used the knowledge that already existed.“

A challenge: normalization of a completely individual system
The big question of modern nutritional medicine is: If in each person the colonization of the intestine is individually different, then how can one „normal“ Make intestinal flora? The Mayr physicians have developed a concept that incorporates and regulates a variety of factors. These are repeatedly checked by modern laboratory tests, naturopathic procedures and complementary diagnostics such as the examination of the abdominal forms (see sketch).

No miracle remedies, but many steps
At the beginning of the strengthening of the immune system according to F.X. Mayr always has the colon cleansing. Because pollutants that cause unrecognized inflammation must first be removed from the intestine. „Often it is asked if the cleaning is unavoidable. Then I ask the patient to imagine that a gardener wants to cure his rose bush with aphid by intensive fertilization. Most understand this image faster than the complex processes of the gut“, so Dr. med. Alex Witasek.

To support the development of a healthy intestinal flora, the patients are then supplied with probiotics, ie living bacteria from lactic acid products such as yoghurt or kefir. But that's not all: A change in eating habits is important at this point. It is not for nothing that nutritionists today often talk about a carbohydrate mast - a disproportionate supply of sugar, cereals, pasta and potatoes. But also the choice of food is of considerable importance for the success of a sustainable nutritional plan. Most importantly, patients are trained to eat properly, so slowly, well chewing and salivating, without stress and looking for the natural satiety. You get a new sensibility for the right diet.

Accompanying this, an individual exercise therapy is compiled using lactate measurements as for top athletes. It is important to stay in the aerobic area, so to avoid an oxygen deficiency in the muscles due to excessive loads. who „out of breath“ is, does something wrong. However, the movement in this phase is not only the increased fitness. It also directly benefits the immune system, because it stimulates the formation of the substance interleukin -10 [2], which has very potent anti-inflammatory effects.

A completely new module of the Mayr treatment is hypoxia therapy for the correction of cell metabolism. The Mayr physicians use the fact that cells that are systematically undersupplied with oxygen, as in a mountain tour, can renew their mitochondria (cell power plants). Certain malfunctions in cell formation and cell metabolism, which are present for example in the case of diabetes or severe obesity, can be improved and sustainably corrected with hypoxia therapy.

Never again freeze and fast
So if you want to escape the annual round of hardening, Christmas gluttony and Abspeckkur to sustainably strengthen his immune system is well advised with a Mayr therapy. If you would like to know more about the content and possibilities of medicine, you will find further materials as well as contact details of F.X.Mayr physicians at the International Society of Mayr Doctors.

Avoid food poisons - use organic products!
Example 1: The active ingredient glyphosate is detected by the global use of certain herbicides in soy, corn, cotton and reduces both the mineral content of the products and the body's minerals balance

Example 2: Adenosine triphosphate amylase is found as an insecticide in industrial crops and destroys the body's own energy molecule adenosine triphosphate

- Avoid too much raw food! The intensive consumption of raw food promotes the production of gases and thus disturbs the balance in the intestine

- Avoid sugar! Prevents the process of glycoxidation, which turns protein from proteins into protein waste

- To drink tea! Herbal teas, which are specifically selected, have a large spectrum of active ingredients and are
an optimal alternative to the frequently sweetened wellness products.

Build up the intestinal flora
Cleaning: Epsom salt (which also promotes desired germs) is used to remove harmful bacteria.
or humic acids used.

Structure: Probiotics promote a broadband resettlement of the intestinal flora. This principle was recognized in 1908 by the Nobel lector Ilja Ilyich Metschnikow. His studies have been documented and refined time and again. They led from the development of special yoghurt drinks to the research of „Functional food“. (PM)