The intestinal flora of the mother influences the risk of autism in children

The intestinal flora of the mother influences the risk of autism in children / Health News

Association between autism and the intestinal microbiome of the mother found

Researchers have now discovered that gut microbiota not only has a huge impact on our own body. In the case of mothers, the intestinal microbiome even affects their children and influences their risk of autism.

Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine found in their current research that a mother's gut microbiome influences whether her children develop autism. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Journal of Immunology".

Does the intestinal microbiome of the mother influence the likelihood of developing autism in their children? (Image: pressmaster /

What is the effect of our intestinal microbiome??

In recent years, more and more studies have been published, which showed how fundamental the importance of our intestinal microbiome for health. The intestinal microbiome has a major impact on the human body, for example, it affects our response to negative stimuli, our weight, our mental health and even the development of autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, the experts explain.

Intestinal microbiome affects the immune system

In animal experiments, a link has been established between the gut microbiome of the mother and the development of autism in her offspring. The microbiome can shape the developing brain in a variety of ways, says study author John Lukens of the University of Virginia School of Medicine. The microbiome is very important for the calibration of how the young immune system will respond to infection, injury or stress, adds the physician.

What is Interleukin-17a?

Regarding autism, this compound seems to be due to a particular molecule called interleukin-17a (or IL-17a), which is produced by the immune system. The molecule has been implicated in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and psoriasis. In addition, it plays an important role in the prevention of infections, especially in fungi. Importantly, it also influences the way the brain develops in the uterus, the researchers explain.

Experiment was performed on mice

To test their hypothesis that autism can be triggered by the IL-17a molecule, the research team blocked IL-17a in laboratory mice. The scientists used female mice from two separate laboratories. The first group of mice had a microflora in the gut which made them particularly susceptible to an IL-17a-induced inflammatory response. The remaining animals served as a control group. When the IL-17a molecule was artificially blocked (which prevented IL-17a-induced inflammatory responses), the kittens were born from both groups of neurotypical-behavior mice. As a result, a new neurological development emerged in the offspring of the first group, which resembled autism and had an effect on social and repetitive behavior.

Results were confirmed again

To confirm that this was due to the unique microflora of the group of animals, the researchers performed a faecal transplantation on mice of the second group using the faeces of the mice of the first group. The researchers wanted to change the microflora of the second group so that it resembled the microflora of the first group of animals. And as already expected, an autism-like neurological development was also created in the offspring of the second group, explain the experts.

Gut health of the mother affects developmental disorders

Because they are studies on animals, the results can not be easily transferred to human pregnancies. Nevertheless, the study provides strong evidence that the health of the mother's gut at least plays a role in the development of neurodevelopmental disorders.

Further research is needed

Further investigation is now needed to determine if similar correlations can be detected in humans. In addition, various other molecules must be investigated, because IL-17a could only be one piece in a much larger puzzle, according to study author Lukens. (As)