The retirement provisions of private health insurance

Private health insurance companies show an increase in capital coverage.
(11.05.2010) Insured persons of the private health insurance companies (PKV) fear always higher contributions, if the age reserve is no longer secured. Because many get into relatively cheap private health insurance rates and after a few years and with increasing age and the PKV contribution increases. Sometimes the contributions increase twice and threefold.
However, according to the chairman of the private health insurance association Reinhold Schulte, the private health insurances would be financially well positioned in contrast to the legal ones. Private health insurance would be debt-free and without tax subsidies. According to industry figures of private health insurers, a growth of 10 billion euros (totaling 144 billion euros) is recorded in the provisions for old age. That's a big plus of 7.5 percent. Currently, around 8.8 million people should be insured with the private health insurance. In addition, around 21.7 million people are insured with private health insurance. Private supplementary long-term care insurance also saw a significant increase in 2009. Some 165,100 people have taken out private care insurance. Partly responsible for this growth is a significant increase in insured persons in private health insurance. Premium income increased by 3.7 percent to 29.1 billion euros.
Consumers should evaluate the contracts before concluding a private health insurance. Help could also be provided by the consumer center, which initially looks through the contracts. Because even if the Einsteigertarife are often cheap, this can become more expensive over time very quickly. A tariff change is then usually very difficult. Even insurance brokers should not believe quickly, because they are often looking for a quick contract. It is therefore always recommended the way to an independent advice center, in this case, the consumer advice has proven. (Sb)
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