Thicker No more fruit in the evening

Thicker: No fruit in the evening
Especially during and after the Christmas season there is a lack of sweet temptations in very few households: cookies and gingerbread left over from the Advent season and chocolates and chocolates given away on Christmas Eve. Many also resort to healthy alternatives, such as tangerines, over time. But these too can become a fad.
Sweet temptations in winter
In the winter time, and especially around Christmas, there are truly enough sweet temptations. Even when Christmas Eve is over, most households still have plates of cookies, marzipan, gingerbread, and chocolate ready. Often, as a healthy alternative still fruits are added, such as tangerines. These provide the body with valuable vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. But even if it is generally said: „fruit is healthy“, It can also become a fad.
Fruits are „a hidden fattening source“
Professor Ingo Froböse of the German Sport University Cologne explained to the news agency dpa: „Fruit should, however, be enjoyed more over the day. In the evening, the fruit would be a hidden fattening source due to the fructose“. If you want to get rid of the calories you can not resist, and minimize the symptoms of gluttony, such as heartburn or stomach pressure, you should also be on the program during the winter months. If jogging and cycling are too dangerous because of snow and slipperiness, cross-country skiing or skiing are also suitable.
Outdoor activities
„Cross-country skiing has a similar endurance effect as jogging“, so happy. The health expert advises to use a free weekend to make a trip to a winter sports area and there to strap on the skis. According to Froböse, stress hormones are also broken down by outdoor activities. In addition, the main thing is to break down the holiday bacon: Every step counts, which brings the body in motion. Experts point out that it is better to exercise regularly than to train extremely hard once a month. (Ad)
Picture: Heiko Stuckmann