Thick teenagers die earlier of cardiovascular disease

Thick teenagers die earlier of cardiovascular disease / Health News
An Israeli cohort study shows that overweight or adipose adolescents die more frequently in middle-aged adults from cardiovascular disease.

Childhood overweight increases the risk of death. Picture: dementevajulia - fotolia

In Israel, between 1967 and 2010, a total of 2.5 million adolescents aged 16 to 19 were screened. In the patterning, i.a. Body size and weight measured.

Israeli scientists have now compared this data with death certificate information. The scientists found that overweight recruits had a 50% increased cardiovascular risk of death. Among obese recruits, the risk of coronary heart disease was five times as high as that of normal weight adolescents. Also, the risk of suffering a stroke or death from sudden cardiac death were increased. The study can be found here. (Pm)