Diagnostics KI detects skin cancer as reliably as physicians

In skin cancer, early detection is important for optimal treatment of the disease. Researchers have now developed an artificial intelligence system that can detect the telltale signs of skin cancer as reliably as human physicians. This new technology will work on any smartphone in the future.
Researchers at Stanford University found in an investigation that with the help of artificial intelligence skin cancer can be detected faster and easier. So people might be able to do a self-diagnosis in the future with the help of their smartphone. The system works just as reliably as human physicians. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Nature".

In the future, those affected may be able to screen themselves
The potential of the newly developed technology is great. As the system continues to refine and become portable, many people could screen themselves at minimal cost, the experts explain. Thus, those affected would save themselves from visiting a doctor and waiting for this to confirm the suspicion.
Algorithm learns from existing data
The key to the success of the new technology is an algorithm that can learn from existing data, the researchers say. The system could use information and images from a database on skin cancer. "We have developed a very comprehensive learning algorithm that learns from existing data," says Andre Esteva of Stanford University.
System uses Google algorithm
To give the system its intelligence, the researchers trained it with the help of 129,450 close-ups of skin lesions. These covered more than 2,000 different diseases and also provided a comprehensive database with examples. Next, the team is using a Google-developed algorithm to detect the difference between cats and dogs on images. Thereafter, the algorithm was adjusted to detect the difference between different skin spots.
Artificial intelligence as successful as human physicians
Subsequently, the scientists tested their system against 21 qualified dermatologists. The experts were shown 376 images of skin lesions. Then they were asked to rate the pictures. On the basis of the assessment, the physicians should then refer patients for further analysis or eliminate the suspicion of skin cancer, the researchers explain. The system with its artificial intelligence was able to reach the success rate of the professionals, the scientists emphasize.
Performance of the system is impressive
Of course, the technology was not designed to replace doctors, say the authors. It was designed to give people easier access to the first two stages of screening before expert help, the researchers said. Recognizing the difference between a deadly lesion and a benign lesion is not an easy task. This makes the performance of the system even more impressive.
The goal is to operate the program via a phone app
Before the device can be released to the public, it must be ensured that it does not create false ratings. Clinical trials are therefore designed to help make the system even better. Later, the program will be available via a phone app, add the doctors.
Almost every person has a "supercomputer" with sensors
Smartphones are ubiquitous in this day and age. So in the future almost all people should be able to use the system. Everyone has, so to speak, a supercomputer in their pocket, which is equipped with a number of sensors, including a camera, says Esteva.
Assessing our health from home?
We now see numerous programs and applications powered by the intuitive mindset of Artificial Intelligence. These programs also run on our smartphones. This opens up cheap and easy ways to assess our health at home.
Early detection is decisive
As with many other diseases, the early detection of skin cancer is crucial. If the cancer is detected early, its 10-year survival rates are around 95 percent. However, this rate falls to ten to 15 percent, if the cancer has already reached later stages before its treatment, the scientists explain. (As)