Diagnosis Cancer What is important now?

Diagnosis Cancer What is important now? / Health News
The diagnosis is a shock. The new GfBK-Info of the Society for Biological Cancer Defense e describes how patients cope for the first time and regain security. V.

Why me? How should I continue my life? What kind of pain is coming to me? People are anxious after the diagnosis of cancer, unsettled. They have many questions - and initially few answers. "At first, a lot of people rush into one and you have no idea what to do next," says co-author Sabine Hötzel, who herself had cancer.

What to do after a cancer diagnosis. A new guide should help. Image: photopitu - fotolia

With the new GfBK-Info "Ten steps for the first time after diagnosis" the Society for Biological Cancer Defense e. V. (GfBK) patients provide support for the difficult first time. GfBK is the largest consulting organization for holistic medicine against cancer in German-speaking countries.

To take time
"Time is pressing" is often the feeling at first, sometimes it is also promoted by doctors. But usually a tumor does not grow in a few days. "Take your time," advises GfBK. Time to take the diagnosis. Time to stabilize. Time to inform and orient.

This includes the doctor of trust. "Listen to yourself if you are satisfied with the medical situation," says Sabine Hötzel. "Can you trust him? Does he honor your own ideas, does he respond to your questions? "Seeking second opinions, if you are not sure, is the right of every patient.

Knowledge can reduce anxiety
Information can help you better assess your own situation. According to the experience of the GfBK, the medium Internet has to be used with caution. The many information "flood", many Internet forums are also not independent, but sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry. Inquire directly if you need information is the advice of the GfBK. At the treating physician, the responsible doctor in the hospital or also the medical consultation service of the GfBK.

What is the goal of the therapy? Is there more than one therapy - and what are the advantages and disadvantages? What side effects can happen to me? Which natural science methods can I use? The GfBK recommends patients to put together an individual list of questions and to take them to the talks. It is also helpful if relatives or friends take the patient to medical appointments. "Often, you are too excited to get everything," says Sabine Hötzel from her own experience.

Use the voice
What is important to me? No guideline or medical recommendation can relieve patients of their own decision. And this decision should be personally consistent.

Attention to the soul
And if it pulls the ground from under your feet? Then there are professionals such as the social service in the clinic, therapists who are familiar with the situation of cancer patients or self-help groups. "You do not have to face this difficult situation alone," says Sabine Hötzel. Close relatives and friends also have a supporting effect if they convey the feeling that I am by your side.

Carefully handle yourself
The first time after the diagnosis is an exceptional situation. It is all the more important to pay attention to your own needs. Doing good and starting to regain confidence in yourself, your own self-healing powers. "First, only the disease is the focus. Give the health room from the beginning, "advises Sabine Hötzel. For her, that was a crucial point on the way to healing.

The GfBK Info "Ten Steps for the First Time After Diagnosis" is available on the GfBK website, with numerous links to further information. (Pm)