Diabtes How to protect yourself from diabetes

Diabtes How to protect yourself from diabetes / Health News
Healthy Diet and Exercise: How to protect yourself from diabetes
Health experts say the number of diabetic patients is rising massively. Many do not know about their illness for a long time. Because diabetes is also commonly referred to as diabetes, many people believe that you get the disease if you eat too much sugar. However, there are several risk factors and thus different ways to protect yourself from the metabolic disease.

Every day 1000 new patients
According to the German Diabetes Aid, 6.7 million people in this country are affected by diabetes. Every day, 1,000 new patients are added. Since many sufferers often know nothing about their illness, diabetes is often treated late. This year's World Diabetes Day on 14th November is dedicated to the theme of "eyes on diabetes" and focuses on type 2 diabetes and its early detection.

In Germany, around 1,000 people a day fall ill with diabetes. To protect yourself from the metabolic disease, you should avoid being overweight, eat a healthy diet and exercise a lot. (Image: baranq / fotolia.com)

Main risk factors of diabetes
Early detection of the disease can help prevent complications of diabetes more easily. On the occasion of the worldwide action day, health experts also point out that the metabolic disease can be successfully prevented in many cases. For this it is important to know the main risk factors of diabetes: overweight, unhealthy diet and lack of exercise.

Protect from diabetes
In order to protect against diabetes, above all the mentioned risk factors should be eliminated or minimized. Even after the diagnosis, those affected are usually recommended to change their lifestyle. At the top of the tips for everyday life with diabetes are a healthy diet with a high proportion of whole grains and sufficient exercise. The latter is especially important for affected children. Of paramount importance is to reduce existing overweight.

But losing weight is difficult for many overweight people. Even when some pounds have been lost, they are quickly back on the hips: the so-called "yo-yo effect". Nutritionist Nicole Jäger explains why this can happen and how to break this vicious circle in a statement by the German Diabetes Aid.

Overweight is a symptom
She herself had almost halved from 340 to just under 170 kilograms. "I am the living proof that no one has to give up eating problems," said the Hamburg nutritionist.

According to Jäger, it is a typical prejudice when people overweight are assumed to be lazy and undisciplined. "Obesity is not a disease and has nothing to do with" aversion ". Overweight is a symptom. Often sufferers compensate by eating other problems in their lives. "

Conscious examination of nutrition, body and psyche
Since diets often only increase obesity due to the yo-yo effect, experts often warn against losing weight. In order to lose weight without having a yo-yo effect, the diet must be systematically changed in the long term - and one should not expect too fast successes.

If the diets do nothing, frustration and despair are the result. Obese people sometimes withdraw from shame and avoid social contacts. "In addition, strong overweight makes immobile, limp and sick," said Nicole Jäger.

According to her, a change only succeeds through a deliberate confrontation with nutrition, body and psyche: What is not going on in life? What does the food serve as a substitute? How can you fill this gap differently?

Difference between hunger and appetite
Nicole Jäger analyzes the anatomy and psychology behind her own behavior in her nutritional counseling with her clients and works with them to develop a gradual change.

For example, it is also about consciously recognizing the difference between hunger and appetite. "If I can successfully lose weight, then everyone can!" Says Jäger, who will give her lecture "Die Fettlöserin" as part of the central event for World Diabetes Day in Berlin. (Ad)