Diabetics should not wear sandals

Diabetics should not wear sandals / Health News

at „Diabetic foot syndrome“ better refrain from open shoes


Even if the weather is very hot outside, diabetics suffering from nerve damage should stay away „Diabetic foot syndrome“ (DFS) suffer, according to the recommendation of the „German Diabetes Help“ It is better not to wear open shoes - because these can lead to injuries more quickly, which in many cases are unnoticed due to nerve damage and can have fatal consequences.

Injuries can progress unnoticed to ulcers
In the current summer temperatures, many people prefer sandals or barefoot gear - but as the German Diabetes Aid writes, this can „however, people who suffer from diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) due to nerve damage have fatal consequences“, because even small stones would be enough to cause dangerous wounds, also the straps of the shoes would often unnoticed lead to skin irritation. The problem: Many sufferers hardly notice the pain, temperature and vibration due to the nerve disease, so that injuries are often unnoticed and thus may progress unnoticed to ulcers, according to a recent press release of the German Diabetes Aid.

Many DFS cases could be avoided by regular foot controls
According to the charitable organization, in every fourth person with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, foot injuries would occur in the course of their life „Diabetic foot syndrome“ (DFS), which result from poor circulation or nerve damage (neuropathy) and can lead to ulcers or in the worst case to amputation. According to Reiner Schumacher, Vice President of the Zentralverbandes Orthopädieschuhtechnik (ZVOS), many of these cases were carried out by DFS „prevent by regular foot controls, a foot treatment and appropriate diabetes protective shoes“ - but few diabetes patients would regularly go for foot control and make fitting shoes.

With increased DFS risk „Breathable, closed footwear“ carry Accordingly, according to Dr. med. Thomas Haak, Diabetologist at Bad Mergentheim Diabetes Hospital, Patients who are affected by Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and have an increased DFS risk due to neuropathy, at best „Breathable, closed footwear with a soft footbed“ wear, it should „the shoe [.] have no seams on the inside to protect pressure-sensitive areas.“ If patients already have one „Diabetic foot syndrome“ However, they would have to wear protective shoes or bespoke shoes, in the advanced stage even dressing shoes or relief shoes are necessary. „People with diabetes who have no neuropathy, however, can freely choose their footwear,“ Haak.

Doctors often do not know about the possibility of a medical prescription
Financial support for orthopedic or diabetic protective shoes by the health insurance, however, there would be, according to information from the German Diabetes Help only partially, for example, if the DFS is in an advanced degree. According to Reiner Schumacher, about 70 percent of his customers would come to him with a medical prescription from a specialist practice - although here the personal contribution would be 76 euros. However, according to the German Diabetes Aid, there is reason for criticism here, because many primary care physicians would not even know about the possibility of this medical prescription - hence the organization now wants the current campaign „STOP Diabetes - now!“ draw attention to the consequences of Diabetic Foot Syndrome, as there are 40,000 amputations annually due to diabetes. (No)