Diabetes, stroke and heart attack shorten life

Diabetes, stroke and heart attack shorten life / Health News
Diabetes, stroke and heart attack shorten life
Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are the major common diseases and more and more people are suffering. These diseases shorten the lifespan massively. This confirmed investigations by American scientists.

Frequently, sufferers simultaneously suffer from two or all three cardiometabolic disorders. The effects of these diseases not only add up but even potentiate, as the researchers have shown.

They examined the results of 91 cohort studies that have collected data on 1.2 million patients since 1960. In addition, they evaluated results from the UK Biobank, which has been supporting around half a million Britons since 2006.

The conclusion: One of the three diseases increases the risk of dying by a factor of 2, in two of the three diseases it is four times higher and in all three diseases even eight times higher. (Pm)