Diabetes For more sports, therapy needs to be adjusted

Diabetes For more sports, therapy needs to be adjusted / Health News
Expert advice: For more sports, diabetics need to adjust therapy
According to health experts, sports help with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It is therefore always welcome when diabetics move regularly. If they decide to do more sport, they will need to adjust their therapy. Even with a planned hospital stay, the treatment should be discussed with a doctor.
Regular sports and healthy nutrition
It is estimated that more than six million people in Germany suffer from diabetes. Many of them help with a change to a healthier diet and regular exercise. Experts have even described it so that you can run away from diabetes. Recently, researchers from the UK reported a simple diabetes treatment: according to this, in many cases, losing weight can normalize insulin levels and reverse type 2 diabetes. However, the majority of patients are on medication for metabolic disease. However, as experts explain, this therapy needs to be adapted to specific occasions.

Diabetics must pay a lot of attention to sports. Image: Syda Productions - fotolia

Plan upcoming hospital stay with the family doctor
If diabetics are due to stay in a hospital, this should be planned together with the family doctor, if possible. As the news agency dpa reports, the organization DiabetesDE - German Diabetes Aid advises sufferers to ask their attending physician some questions. For example, if you should take insulin and / or tablets as usual during your stay or if you need to adjust the dose? On the day of the procedure, should the blood glucose be measured as usual and the insulin injected? Or what to do if hypoglycaemia is imminent? Patients should take note of these and other possible questions and take them to the preliminary interviews.

When training, measure blood sugar
The organization DiabetesDE - German Diabetes Aid has further advice: Since diabetics who exercise, among other things, require additional bread units or less insulin, they should measure blood sugar before, during and after training. On the website "www.diabetes-sport.de" there is an overview of offers of sports groups for diabetics. These offer newcomers also support. People with diabetes who have never, or never, many years ago been exercising for the last time should be checked out by a doctor before starting. (Ad)