Diabetes At three million so far unrecognized

Diabetes At three million so far unrecognized / Health News

Around three million people in Germany know nothing about their own diabetes


Around seven million Germans suffer from the metabolic disease diabetes. Experts warn against a high number of unreported cases: About three to four million people in Germany know nothing about their acquired diabetes, as the German Diabetes Foundation announced. With the help of an online test everyone can estimate his personal risk. It is important to interpret the first signs exactly. In a timely therapy can be countered effectively.

High diabetes no-diabetes
Many millions of people in Germany do not know about their diabetes. Nonspecific signals such as cravings for something sweet or big thirst are interpreted by the fewest as the first symptoms of diabetes type II disease. Additional information such as chronic fatigue, dysfunction or frequent urination should be clear warning signs to see a doctor. If the metabolic disorder recognized too late, threatening severe sequelae such as blood vessel damage, nerve damage, damage to the eyes and kidneys. In addition, untreated diabetes is considered a risk for the development of heart attack and stroke. It is deceptive that the disease progresses only creepingly, which is why diabetes is often recognized very late. „For this reason, experts estimate the high number of unreported cases of about three to four million people who know nothing about their serious illness.“

Health check and test in the pharmacy
From the age of 35, insured persons can have their blood sugar levels measured in a health check. If the disease is detected early, it can even be countered with an effective diet. In addition, the risk of secondary diseases can be reduced. A test in the pharmacy is also possible. Sometimes the tests are also offered free of charge or for a small fee. The pharmacy test can only provide a first hint. A final diagnosis is made by the doctor or specialist.

Metabolism disorder due to unhealthy diet
Diabetes, also popularly „diabetes“ called, a series of chronic metabolic disorders. The main feature is the constant hypoglycaemia of the body. The reason for this is an existing insulin deficiency. The hormone insulin is made by the organism to regulate the blood sugar level. If the hormone is insufficiently produced, the mirror gets out of balance. In many cases it is stated „high consumption of sugar products was for the formation of diabetes“ responsible. Although unhealthy diet and lack of exercise favor the onset of the disease, a split trigger is not sugar.

95 percent type 2 diabetes
About 95 percent of all diabetics suffer from type II, as the German Diabetes Foundation reports. In 80 percent of the cases, obese people are obese (overweight). Due to the deficient, high-fat and unhealthy diet, the body develops a certain insulin resistance. The effect of the hormone is thereby reduced. Researchers have recently discovered that a strict diet, with timely detection, can even cure the chronic disease. However, most people find it difficult to throw old habits overboard. Many people prefer to take pills. However, a lot of exercise and a drastic change in food intake can in many cases prevent the constant use of medication.

About five percent of those affected suffer from type I. This type usually shows up at a young age. This form is more akin to an autoimmune disease because the immune system destroys the pancreatic cells responsible for the production of insulin. Insulin deficiency can only be restored if patients continue to inject insulin. A cure is not possible. (Sb)

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