Diabetes On the way to widespread disease

Diabetes On the way to widespread disease / Health News

Diabetes: On the way to widespread disease. Type 2 diabetes is spreading more rapidly in Germany. In Germany meanwhile nearly nine million humans are to be affected. The unreported number of unrecognized cases is expected to be around four million. But the Enlightenment proceeds with less steps than the disease itself.

(19.04.2010) Diabetes type 2 is spreading more and more rapidly in Germany. In Germany meanwhile nearly nine million humans are to be affected. The unreported number of unrecognized cases is expected to be around four million. However, education is progressing by fewer steps than the disease itself. In the metabolic disease diabetes, there is a subdivision into type 1 and type 2. Diabetes Type 1 diabetes is usually innate. Here is a fundamental problem with insulin production (happens in the pancreas).

In type 2 diabetes, which affects about 90 percent of diabetics and usually develops over the course of life, the sugar in our blood is inadequately absorbed by the cells. This form of diabetes has its own opportunities to influence its fate. More exercise, weight reduction and a more balanced diet are measures that people can take themselves uncomplicated.

And since almost one in ten Germans suffer from diabetes and those affected by type 2 diabetes are getting younger and younger, it is time to take such measures prophylactically. Early diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is sometimes difficult because the symptoms are often not so clear. Fatigue, general fatigue and weakness, coupled with frequent craving and depressive mood can be initial symptoms that are not immediately clear to anyone. Decreased smoking, weight reduction. more exercise and fresher, untreated food are definitely measures that are considered useful even in the first place, not only in naturopathy. (TF)

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