DGB government must accelerate nuclear phase-out

DGB government must accelerate nuclear phase-out / Health News

Federal government must now accelerate the transition to a secure energy supply


On the current nuclear debate in Germany against the backdrop of the severe human tragedy and the impending nuclear disaster in Japan, said Dietmar Hexel, DGB board member, on Tuesday in Berlin: „The frightening events in Japan make us all pause. Our thoughts and compassion belong to the Japanese people in these days and hours. We very much hope that he will be spared a serious nuclear disaster.

In five days, three reactor blocks have gone out of control and exploded. Even if other natural conditions prevail in Germany, such residual technical risk can never be ruled out. The unimaginable and theoretically described residual risk has occurred. The terrible natural disaster has shown the limits of human possibilities for action.

The original nuclear consensus has pointed the right way and ushered in the end of the nuclear age in Germany. There are available alternatives to nuclear energy. In Germany, nuclear energy is neither needed for a secure energy supply nor for CO2 reduction. The Federal Government must promote the alternative switch to fully regenerative, human-controllable energies with massive investments and usher in the age of renewable energy. Everything else would be irresponsible.

The German unions have long argued for a rapid end to the use of nuclear energy. They expressly offer the government cooperation in opting out and switching to a secure energy policy. It must not be hesitated any longer. The atomic energy is at the end. Everybody knows.“ (Pm)

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