Germany-wide recall at Rossmann for peppermint herbal tea started

Germany-wide recall at Rossmann for peppermint herbal tea started / Health News
Rossmann recalls "King's Crown Herbal Tea Peppermint"
The drugstore chain Rossmann has launched a recall for the "King's Crown Herbal Tea Peppermint" because of possibly contained Tropanalkaloide. All necessary precautions had already been taken and the affected items were removed from the sale, the company said. Consumers are requested to stop using the tea with the corresponding lot number and to return it to the point of sale.

The recall for the "King's Crown herbal tea peppermint" was initiated according to the drugstore chain due to a Tropanalkaloid-findings. The Tropanalkaloide were presumably on Beikräuter at the harvest with in the tea arrived. In view of the threat of health problems, Rossmann strongly advises against the consumption of tea. A return against reimbursement of the purchase price could be made at the points of sale.

Because of possibly contained Tropanalkaloide Rossmann has launched a recall for the "King's Crown Herbal Tea Peppermint". (Image:

Threatening health problems caused by tropane alkaloids
Tropane alkaloids can cause symptoms such as dizziness, headache and nausea, or even heart rate changes in humans, warns the drugstore chain. Naturally these are contained in certain plants such as datura and belladonna. At the time of harvesting, probably contaminants with these weeds were found.

Affected by the recall is the "King's Crown Herbal Tea Peppermint" the lot L no. 4516-02578 with a best before date of 07 December 2018, Lot L no. 5016-02578 with the best before date January 16, 2019 and batch L no. 0317-03675 (best before date 27 January 2019). The batch number is noted on the back of the packaging. For further information, consumers can contact the customer service at 0800/76 77 62 66 or by email ([email protected]). (Fp)