Germany continues to be a smoker's paradise?

Germany continues to be a smoker's paradise? / Health News
Cancer experts criticize inadequate tobacco control
Although some smokers may feel that their liberties have been significantly curtailed by the legislation of the past decade, Germany lags behind in European comparison in curbing smoking. "Germany has done little in this regard in recent years and therefore offers the tobacco industry in the European comparison outright paradise conditions," reports the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ).

In Germany too little is being done to curb smoking and promote non-smoking, according to the latest release of the DKFZ. In the European comparison of measures to curb tobacco consumption, Germany has landed for the second time in a row on the penultimate place. Only in Austria was even less against tobacco consumption. This shows the so-called "tobacco control scale 2016", a survey in 35 European countries, which was presented at the seventh European Tobacco Control Conference in Porto.

Germany is not energetic enough against tobacco consumption. In comparison to other European countries, the Federal Republic of Germany is a paradise for the tobacco industry, according to the German Cancer Research Center. (Image:

Germany only country without outdoor advertising ban
The result of the current survey is sobering. Accordingly, Germany forms a veritable paradise for the tobacco industry in European comparison. For example, the Federal Republic of Germany is "the only country in the EU that still allows out-of-home advertising for tobacco products," says the DKFZ. Also, since 2010, Germany has not taken any measures to reduce smoking. Only the European Tobacco Products Directive was transposed into national law last year. However, this was mandatory for all EU Member States, according to the DKFZ.

Measures to reduce tobacco consumption
The tobacco control scale quantified and evaluated the introduction of measures to reduce smoking in the population of each EU country. Six different measures have been classified as effective by the World Bank and should therefore be introduced as part of a comprehensive tobacco prevention strategy, reports the German Cancer Research Center. Measures include tobacco tax increases, smoke-free public spaces, education campaigns, a comprehensive tobacco advertising ban, tobacco packaging warnings and smoking cessation support.

Advancing laws faster
The ranking clearly shows the great need for action in Germany in tobacco control, emphasizes the Head of the Cancer Prevention Unit and the WHO Collaborating Center for Tobacco Control at the DKFZ. Ute Mons. "A particularly striking example is the long overdue outdoor advertising ban," said Mons at the seventh European Conference on Tobacco or Health in Porto. The expert emphasizes that it is high time to implement the bill, which has been in force for almost a year now and is still being delayed, for banning tobacco advertising. Germany achieves just half of the possible points for smoking bans in public places and for the introduction of the new warnings; for all other criteria, the Federal Republic is among them.

Other EU countries act decisively
In other European countries, on the other hand, a far-reaching response to tobacco consumption was noted. Above all, Great Britain and Northern Ireland have repeatedly introduced new regulations in recent years, the DKFZ reports. Examples include the introduction of standardized packaging for tobacco products and a smoking ban in the car when children are traveling. A country can only rise in the ranking if it has taken new measures since the last registration, explains the DKFZ. In this respect, Germany has done little in recent years and therefore offers the tobacco industry paradoxical conditions. The consequences are dramatic. Every year, around 121,000 people die as a result of the health effects of smoking. (Fp)