Germany More and more suffer from back pain

Germany More and more suffer from back pain / Health News

40 million days lost due to back problems


Back complaints are one of the most common reasons for sickness in Germany. Almost every tenth day of sick leave goes back, reports the Techniker Krankenkasse at the presentation of the health report 2014 in Berlin. „Overall, these problems cause 40 million days off in this country“, so the message of the health insurance. In addition to physical inactivity and one-sided stress, stress should be mentioned as a significant risk factor.

Almost every German suffers from back pain at least once in their lives, which is also reflected in the high absence from back problems. An average of 1.4 absenteeism days per insured were recorded in TK in 2013 due to back problems. These high absenteeism result on the one hand from the large number of affected persons and on the other hand from the average very long disease duration of the patients, reports the TK. Statistically, every twelfth jobseeker was incapacitated for work in 2013 due to back problems.

Long sick leave period with back complaints
On the sick leave period for back problems explained Jens Baas, CEO of TK, that „a sick leave due to back problems on average 17.5 days, which is five days longer than an average incapacity for work“ lasts. For a medium-sized company with 60 employees, this means that five employees will be out of action for two and a half weeks each year. The entrepreneur would have virtually three monthly salaries per year on the account „move“ transfer. This underline how „important investments in occupational and individual health management are“, reports the TC.

Back pain increased in physically demanding occupations
According to the information provided by the Techniker Krankenkasse, absenteeism is caused by back problems „expected“ highest in occupations, „in which hard physical work is done.“This applies, for example, to activities in the area of ​​supply and waste disposal, where there was 5.1 per-capita headcount due to back problems. Civil engineering (4.7 days per capita) and geriatric care (4.1 days per capita) also recorded high back-related absences. The one-sided and lack of exercise can cause back problems, as shown for example by the professional drivers, „who, with 4.3 back problems, are not only above average in cross, but also belong to the occupations with the highest absenteeism“, so the message of TK.

Stress is a risk factor for back problems
Regarding the triggers of the back problems, the technician health insurance explained that this „in most cases not just a cause“ to have. In general, several factors such as one-sided stress, lack of exercise and stress would come together. In particular, the stress is by no means negligible as a risk factor, because a recent Forsa survey commissioned by the TK have shown that three out of four employees with high levels of stress also have back problems. „For many, stress is literally on the back of the neck, causing tension and back pain“, reports the health insurance. In general, the personal constitution and life situation also play a major role here.

Increased absenteeism with increasing age
The current health report also shows that back problems increase significantly during the working life. „Average absenteeism increases by a factor of ten in men between the ages of 15 and 64 and by a factor of 8.6 in women“, reports Thomas Grobe from the Aqua Institute, which evaluated the data for TK. In the course of demographic change, a significant increase in back-related absenteeism threatens. In view of the fact that the average age in the enterprises rises clearly, investments in operational and individual health management are particularly important, explains the TK. The TK boss Baas emphasized that here „the employers, health insurance companies and those affected equally required“ to make the work healthier. In addition, it is important to establish a healthier lifestyle overall, „who is also lived after work.“

Back surgery often preventable
TK devotes special attention not only to prevention, but also to improving the medical care of sick patients. „The data shows us in which regions our offers are particularly needed“explained Klaus Rupp, Head of Supply Management at TK. For example, counseling patients in corresponding model projects prior to a possible back surgery has led to „In 80 percent of the cases the patient is advised against OP as a treatment method, so that in many cases lengthy hospital stays could be avoided.“

Local differences in back problems
For the first time, the current TK health report also provides a breakdown of absenteeism at the local level. This shows that „above all, economically active persons in the district of Wittmund in East Frisia (2.9 days), in the district of Mansfeld Südharz (2.9 days), in Bremen (2.9 days), in the Thuringian Nordhausen (2.9 days) and in Herne (2, 4 days)“ suffer from back problems, reports the TK. On the other hand, the TC insured „in Starnberg (0.5 days), in the district of Munich (0.7 days) as well as in Aschaffenburg and Dresden with only 0.8 back-related days lost each year a particularly strong back.“ (Fp)