Germans go to the doctor ten times a year

Germans go to the doctor ten times a year / Health News

The Germans go to the doctor less often


Germans go to the doctor less often than in the mid-90s, the results of a new study. On average, adult Germans only go to a GP or specialist ten times a year. This is about three doctor visits less than 20 years ago.

Ten doctor visits a year
The „image“-Zeitung reported on Thursday, citing a survey commissioned by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) on declining numbers at doctor visits. On average, Germans are now looking for a doctor only ten times a year. In 1995, the number was still 13 visits.

Causes for doctor visits
Common causes for people to see a doctor are high blood pressure, back pain or respiratory infections, as older studies show. Other common causes include mental and emotional suffering.

Declining numbers due to over-the-counter medications
Among other things, the DIW experts cite better prevention, for example with dentists, as reasons for the decline in doctor visits. On the other hand, drugs that you have to pay yourself today, a reason, because you do not need a recipe for it.

More than 20,000 people from around 11,000 households are surveyed each year in Germany on behalf of the DIW on the topics of income, employment, education and health. (Ad)

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Image: Thommy Weiss