Design of e-cigarettes could seduce children

Design of e-cigarettes could seduce children / Health News

Colorful design and exotic flavor could seduce teens to steam e-cigarettes


E-cigarettes are offered in colorful designs and all imaginable flavors. Researchers warn that flavoring varieties like „chocolate“, „strawberry“ and „raspberry“ especially adolescents could appeal and seduce consumers. That was dangerous, because so far, the long-term effects of steaming e-cigarettes have not yet been sufficiently scientifically studied, informs the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg on the occasion of the presentation of his publication „Marketing of e-cigarettes“.

E-cigarettes are often advertised with similar designs as sweets and appeal to teens
E-cigarettes are no longer marginal. The electric glow sticks are offered similar to tobacco products in supermarkets, petrol stations and kiosks. With their eye-catching designs they could seduce especially young people to smoke warn the Heidelberg researchers. They examined the marketing of e-cigarettes and came to the conclusion that „The advertising is not only addressed to adult smokers, but also to teenagers“, informed the DKFZ in a message. For example, the design of electric cigarettes often resembles that of sweets. Slogans like „Shisha to go“ with specially shaped mouthpieces promoted this impression.

Bright colors and rhinestones
„Brightly colored and rhinestone-studded devices and varieties such as „Tutti Frutti“ or „chocolate“ seduce children and adolescents to try out e-cigarettes“, criticized Martina Pötschke-Langer, Head of the Cancer Prevention Unit of the DKFZ. Many e-cigarette manufacturers would advertise attractive young women and men, for example, in bars, at parties or on an adventure holiday, the announcement said. Such situations were particularly appealing and desirable for young people. „The manufacturers contact potential new consumers directly at folk and music festivals, events that are especially popular among young people“, the researchers criticize. „On the Internet, young people are encouraged to make their own videos on e-cigarette consumption and to share them with others online. This creates a sense of community and togetherness.“

Advertising for e-cigarettes is not yet regulated
Currently, the advertising of e-cigarettes in Germany is not yet regulated. However, this should change at the latest in spring 2016 through the implementation of the new European Tobacco Products Directive into German law. Then the same restrictions would apply as for tobacco advertising. But even then, manufacturers will still be allowed to promote e-cigarettes on billboards, festivals and at the point of sale.

„For public health, e-cigarettes have more potential for harm than good as they jeopardize the success of tobacco prevention among young people“, explains Pötschke-Langer. That is why the DKFZ is calling for, inter alia, a ban on the sale of e-cigarettes to adolescents as well as a comprehensive ban on advertising both for the electronic glow sticks and for tobacco products. In addition, the product packaging and the devices themselves should be standardized so that they can not be designed to be suitable for children and adolescents.

At the DKFZ, around 250 experts and politicians from ten countries will meet until Thursday in the context of the twelfth conference for tobacco control.

The association of the e-cigarette trade dismissed the allegations of the researchers, however. For example, e-cigarettes are only sold in places where children should not stay, such as tobacco shops. „Sweets for children and adolescents are presented in very different places than e-cigarettes, "said Association leader Dac Sprengel told the news agency „dpa“. „We have committed ourselves not to sell to young people.“ (Ag)

Picture: Dirk Kruse