The emergency card as a lifesaver

The emergency card as a lifesaver / Health News

The emergency card as a lifesaver: IKK Südwest offers important documents for download


If an emergency happens, quick action is usually required. The IKK Südwest therefore advises to carry an emergency card. This can save lives in an emergency, because it contains all the important information for the first responders at the scene of the accident: name and address, telephone numbers, blood type and information on illness, allergies, vaccinations and required medication. In addition, it can be noted on who should be notified in an emergency.

„We really recommend everyone to carry an emergency card with them. Because in an emergency, every second counts. Thanks to the ID card, the helpers can more quickly survey the situation and react“, says Wolfgang Kraus, Head of Central Customer Service at IKK Südwest. It is particularly important that children and seniors are equipped with the document. The best place for the ID card is the wallet.

Interested parties can download the emergency card on the IKK Südwest website or by e-mail with the subject „emergency passport“ order at [email protected]. The e-mail should include the full name and address. The ID card can also be filled out on the computer and printed out afterwards.

The benefits offered by the IKK Südwest are currently appreciated by some 690,000 insured persons and more than 100,000 businesses in Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland. The IKK Südwest can be reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week, via the free IKK service hotline 0800/0 119 119. (Pm)