Do not deny depressive fears and talk in small talk
Relatives often find it difficult to understand why a family member or friend is suffering from depression. Many think: „There is no reason to be depressed at all.“ Instead of reassurances or small speeches, sick people need help especially, as a spokesman for the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) in Cologne emphasized in a recent communication.
If a person is depressed, then those affected feel depressed, sad, desperate, insecure and also anxious. If it is not a depressive episode, the thoughts do not disappear easily, but become even worse. A manifested depression can cause the person to completely withdraw and no longer participate in external social contacts. However, close people should not talk down the fears of those affected. It helps, for example, to say little, „the worries are unfounded.“ First, it is better to accept the depressive as he / she is. This is the first step in helping him or her, as the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care explained. Accordingly, be understanding and respectful treatment of the sick as well „attentive listening“ very important, as the IQWiG explained.
Do not deny guilt
Like the IQWiG health portal „“ explained, it helps nothing to deny the guilty feelings or to call groundless. Depressed people experience these feelings very real. It would be more important, however, „to remain calm and honest, even if the conversation turns out to be difficult or the other person reacts annoyingly.“
In order to provide active help, it makes sense for friends or relatives to help with doctor visits or to assist the person concerned in counseling and therapeutic discussions. If a suicide is imminent suicidal thoughts should be taken very seriously. In acute situations, the rescue service must be notified. It is important that the sick go into professional hands at the latest. (Sb)
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