Depression Asked for quick help for the elderly

Depression Asked for quick help for the elderly / Health News

Older patients with depression need a treatment place quickly

In the autumn and winter months, many people suffer from a clouded mood, which can sometimes lead to depression. "In the dark season, the demand for psychotherapy places increased significantly in our experience," emphasizes the psychologist Prof. Dr. med. Gabriele Wilz from the University of Jena in a recent press release. Even older people are affected here many times, but they have according to the expert often difficulties to find a therapy place.

Many older people "are reluctant to seek help with mental health problems" or have problems finding a therapy place, reports the head of the outpatient department of the Institute of Psychology at the University of Jena. Here, the Psychological Outpatient Service in Jena offers quick help to older people seeking help. "In the ambulance of the institute there are therapy places - at the moment without much waiting time", so the announcement of the Friedrich Schiller university Jena.

Older people with depression often find it difficult to find a therapy place. (Image: athomass /

Increases depression in the dark season

In the dark season many people become melancholy. Depression and mental disorders then occur more frequently, with older people also being affected in many cases. Therapeutic help is urgently needed. However, older people often hesitate to visit a doctor and, moreover, find it difficult to find a therapy place for the elderly in a timely manner. Here, the Institute of Psychology of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena offers in its outpatient clinic specifically for over 60-year-olds special therapy places.

Therapy offer for older people affected

According to the university, the services are targeted at the older generation and focus on people over the age of 60. Therapy places are currently available without a long waiting time. The range of treatment encompasses the entire spectrum of mental disorders and ranges from depression, anxiety and pain disorders through sleep disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders and sexual dysfunctions to the onset of dementia and the support of family caregivers.

Initial discussion on the classification of the complaint

In an initial interview, the Psychological Outpatient Department first of all checks whether there is a mental disorder requiring treatment or whether a counseling service is sufficient, the experts explain. If there is a mental disorder requiring treatment, psychotherapy is started after a short diagnostic phase. According to the University, this psychotherapy usually takes place once a week as a one-to-one session and lasts 50 minutes. If necessary, psychotherapy is also offered in the group.

Therapy places without waiting time

The elderly need urgent therapeutic help for depression and other mental disorders, as do younger people. "Since many therapists work for us, we are currently able to offer therapy places for this age group with almost no waiting time," emphasizes the managing director of the outpatient clinic. Anne Katrin Risch. The costs of the therapies would be covered by the health insurance companies. (Fp)