Deodorant explosion Two girls seriously injured

Deodorant explosion Two girls seriously injured / Health News

Teenagers seriously injured in deodorant explosion


Two young teenagers suffered serious injuries during the explosion of Deo-Spray. The two girls sprayed deodorant in a toilet to cover the tobacco smoke. According to a media report, they are now no longer in mortal danger.

Girls wanted to smoke secretly
As two young girls in Bavaria secretly wanted to smoke on the toilet, there was a momentous accident. The 13- and 14-year-old teenagers sprayed their own deodorant sprays to keep people from smelling the smoke, she said „image“-Newspaper. But the gas exploded and the girls were seriously injured. The teenagers were hospitalized with severe burns. According to the newspaper, however, the patients are now no longer in mortal danger, but continue to be treated in hospitals.

„Burns on the face and hands“
In the explosion, the windows of the toilet block burst. According to the mother of one girl, the students had several doses of deodorant spray with them. Opposite the „image“ she said about the daughter: „She has burns on her face and hands“. It is not yet clear whether the 14-year-old will face criminal proceedings. The 13-year-old is not yet convicted. Senior Attorney Gerhard Schmitt told the „image“: „It may be that the girl herself is punished enough by the serious injuries and therefore refrains from pursuit.“

Thousands of children and adolescents with burn injuries
Burn injuries occur very often in Germany, especially among young people. For example, the Federal Statistical Office calculated for 2012 that annually around 10,000 children and adolescents up to the age of 19 will be hospitalized with burns. According to the Initiative for Burnt Children, around 1,300 of them are victims of barbecue accidents. Every year on New Year's Eve, numerous people are injured by guns and rockets. The result is often lifelong scars and a long, painful treatment. (Ad)

Picture credits: günther gumhold