Dengue fever risk vacationers on the Red Sea must protect themselves from mosquitoes

Dengue fever risk vacationers on the Red Sea must protect themselves from mosquitoes / Health News

Due to dengue fever on the Red Sea, it protects against mosquitoes

A woman who has spent her holidays in Egypt is suffering from dengue fever. According to press reports, there are more cases of illness and even a death. Travelers on the Red Sea should therefore necessarily protect themselves from mosquitoes.

Dengue fever on the Red Sea

Who spends his vacation on the Red Sea should definitely protect himself from mosquitoes. At the beginning of November, a tourist came to Denmark after her return from Hurghada in Belgium on the dengue fever. "According to press reports, there are more illnesses and a death in the city, which is popular with tourists," reports the Center for Travel Medicine (CRM) on its website. According to the experts, about 1,200 infections have been reported in the city of al-Qusair on the Red Sea since September. According to CRM, the last dengue outbreak in Egypt is about two years back.

In Egypt, numerous dengue fever diseases have become known in recent months. Who spends his vacation on the Red Sea should therefore pay attention to adequate mosquito repellent. (Image: nechaevkon /

Disease is transmitted by diurnal mosquitoes

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 2.5 billion people worldwide are threatened by dengue viruses. The infectious disease is transmitted in the tropics and subtropics of the diurnal Asian tiger mosquito.

The clinical spectrum in the case of infection ranges from mild forms that are almost symptom-free, flu-like symptoms with fever, headache, muscle and limb pain, to cases that cause internal bleeding and vascular damage.

Not all infected develop disease symptoms. Most of the complaints last about a week. In the majority of those affected the dengue fever disappears without further consequences.

Watch out for mosquito repellent

There is no vaccine against the tropical disease as well as drugs for the causal treatment.

To protect yourself from infection, avoid mosquito bites. Wearing bright, loose clothes and using mosquito nets are ways to help against annoying mosquitoes.

Above all, the chemical defense is effective. As mosquito repellent agents are recommended with the active ingredient DEET (diethyltoluamide). (Ad)