Dementia Electrical stimulation of the brain can save memory

Dementia Electrical stimulation of the brain can save memory / Health News
Physicians are studying the effects of electrical stimulation on memory
In old age, people often suffer from an increasing loss of memories. This condition can also be caused by head injuries or increased by certain diseases. Researchers have now found that electrical stimulation of the brain can lead to a restoring effect on memory.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that electrical stimulation of the human brain can positively affect memory and have a restorative effect. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Current Biology".

The electrical stimulation of the brain can lead to an improvement of the memory. For example, researchers hope that such an application could reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer's and dementia. (Image: goa novi /

Brain stimulation can also reduce signs of dementia?
So far, the current study represents one of the most extensive projects investigating deep brain stimulation for signs of dementia and memory loss, for example from head injuries and other traumatic brain injuries. Such injuries are particularly common among soldiers returning from war zones, the experts explain.

Subjects suffered from epilepsy
The study was conducted on a test group of individuals with epilepsy. This disease affects the brain. The investigation involved a series of memory tests in which participants received stimulation of the brain areas associated with memory coding, the researchers explain.

Stimulation of the brain in the right condition improves memory
After stimulating the subjects' brains in both high and low functional states, the memory improved in low-level stimulation. The results of the tests worsened when the stimulation occurred in an already highly functional state, the authors of the University of Pennsylvania add in a press release.

Is the timing of stimulation the key to success??
Earlier studies on deep brain stimulation have shown mixed results so far. Some experts came to the conclusion that electrical stimulation of the brain sharpens the memory. Other physicians believed that such stimulation only damages the brain. The current study now allows the conclusion that the timing of stimulation could be the key.

Further investigations are necessary
While further research is needed, long-term findings may help to develop treatment with brain implants that send electrical impulses to the brain. The hope among many neuroscientists is that such applications could help treat symptoms of Alzheimer's, dementia or other brain injuries, say the scientists.

Results of the study give reason for hope
Targeted electrical impulses can potentially help improve the memory of those affected if used correctly, the researchers explain. So far there is no cure for traumatic brain injury, but the results of the current study are cause for hope, the authors add. (As)