Stretching exercises against the mouse arm

Stretching exercises against the mouse arm / Health News
Short stretching exercises in the office help against the mouse arm

A so-called mouse arm occurs as a result of repeated, one-sided stress loads, as they occur, for example, often when working with the computer mouse. Those affected show symptoms such as pain in the arms, neck or shoulder, a loss of power and discomfort or falling asleep hands and fingers.

In particular, people who work a lot with the computer, develop more of the symptoms of a mouse arm, the cause is an overload and unilateral use of the muscles in the arm, reports the news agency "dpa", citing Anette Wahl-Wachendorf by the Association of Operations and Factory Physicians (VDBW). Stretching exercises and the use of alternative to the mouse are here advisable to prevent the complaints.

Wrong posture and stress
The cause of the mouse arm "are above all permanent malpositions in a non-ergonomically designed workplace," explains the AOK. An incorrect attitude on the keyboard and on the computer mouse are therefore the most common causes of the complaints. Often "the mouse is positioned too far away from the body" and "many remain in this position of being constantly on the alert", which means that the arm is stretched permanently and the muscles in the hand, arm and shoulder areas are under constant load health insurance. According to the experts, regular interruptions of activities to provide relief for a short time can have a preventive effect here. So the affected should change the position every now and then and ideally with short stretching exercises for a relaxation of the muscles.

Stretching exercises and ergonomically equipped workplaces
Opposite the news agency the expert of the federation of the factory and factory doctors explains that a good exercise is for example the bale of a fist with following slowly opening and spreading of the attracted fingers. This should take at least ten seconds and then the fingers of both hands are briefly pressed together in front of the body, reports Anette Wahl-Wachendorf. Supporting with spread fingers on the desk can also help, according to the AOK. In general, care should also be taken to ensure that the office workstation is set up correctly. An "ergonomically designed workplace also includes a height-adjustable table and a chair, where the seat, armrests and backrest are adjustable," reports the AOK.

Use alternatives to the mouse
Monotonous loads can also be avoided, according to the "dpa" by not just working with the mouse. Here, the VDBW expert advises to switch between keyboard and mouse more often, to use keyboard shortcuts and, if necessary, to use operating alternatives such as trackball, pen mice or vertical devices that are specially adapted to the size of the hand. In this way, different muscle groups in the hand and the fingers are activated during use. According to Anette Wahl-Wachendorf, employees should, in case of doubt, contact the company doctor to find out about possible prevention and treatment options. (Fp)

Image: Dieter Schütz