The knowledge about one's own origin is important for the personality development

The knowledge about one's own origin is important for the personality development / Health News
Knowledge about the biological parents help with personality development
Those who do not know their birth parents usually have a strong need to learn more about their own origins. Often a lot of time and effort is invested in this "root search" - which is sometimes difficult for outsiders to understand. But the knowledge of the biological origin is an important part of identity development. Because it helps to get to know yourself better and to learn more about your own life.

Strong desire for information about the parents
"Who am I?" And "Where am I from"? This question is mostly present in people who do not know their biological parents. So, at some point, many embark on a search for their "roots" to learn more about their origins. Whether researching the Internet, talking to relatives or browsing through old photo albums - everything is often tried to get information. Outsiders are often unable to understand this underlying need, and sometimes it even seems a bit ridiculous when someone only looks for their parents for weeks.

Finding your own roots can be very important for self-development. (Image: milankubicka /

Feeling of inner completeness is missing
It is the desire to find out where you come from, quite normal and healthy, because "the knowledge of the genetic parents is important for identity development," explains Anja Kannegießer in conversation with the news agency "dpa". As the graduate psychologist and chairwoman of the Legal Psychology Section of the Professional Association of German Psychologists explains, this helps to answer questions related to one's own personality. In addition to the origin, it is also about their own future and questions such as "where do I go?", "Which is the right path for me?" - because who does not know his genetic parents, often has the impression of being alien to themselves his. There is a diffuse gap that feels like a piece of itself is missing.

Unfinished search can lead to frustration and depression
According to the expert, the question of origin comes from almost all those affected during their lifetime. Often, there is a need for information about the parent at certain stages of development, such as puberty or when starting a family. How it is dealt with is individually different and not everyone feels so strongly that he embarks on a search. For others, the knowledge about the genetic parents leaves no peace for a lifetime. If the search is unsuccessful in this case, according to Kannegießer this could become problematic. After all, studies have shown that often a deeply felt feeling of frustration and helplessness ensues and in some cases even causes depression.

Relatives and friends should therefore deal with the topic openly, listen to it and offer their support in order to best help those affected. "Experience shows that if the environment completely taboos the subject of biological parents, the desire is often particularly great to find them," says Kannegießer. (No)