The right sunscreen for children

The right sunscreen for children / Health News

Stiftung Warentest: Most of the sunscreen for children „Well“


Much of the sunscreen for children protects according to a recent investigation of the Stiftung Warentest „Well“ in front of the dangerous rays of the sun. But there were also two of the tested products „inadequate“ Sunscreens which do not adequately protect against UVA and / or UVB radiation. The results of the investigation will be published in the July issue of the journal „test“ released.

„Children's skin is sensitive“ and „it needs a lot of protection from the sun's rays“, Underlines the Stiftung Warentest the importance of adequate sun protection. The UVB rays would cause sunburn and the UVA rays would cause the skin to age prematurely. In addition, both forms of UV radiation could cause long-term skin cancer. Sunscreens for children should therefore have a particularly high sun protection factor. Here, however, it is crucial that the parents can rely on the information on the packaging. Therefore, the Stiftung Warentest has checked whether the sunscreen creams, lotions and sprays for children keep what they promise. The result: Almost all of the tested products complied with the 30, 50 or 50+ sun protection factor stated on the packs. „Only one sunscreen fails both UVB sun protection and UVA protection“, reports the Stiftung Warentest.

19 sunscreen tested for children
A total of „19 Sunscreen for children with high and very high sun protection factor at prices of 2 to 23 Euro per 100 milliliters“ has recently tested the foundation. Of the waterproof sunscreen for children would have the most „Well“ protected from the sun, seven reached the grade „satisfying“ and two were with „inadequate“ rated. All in all, Nivea Sun Kids' Sun Milk was slightly ahead in the current test. However, significantly lower-cost funds posted a similarly good result. These include, for example, the Cien sunspray for children by Lidl, the suntan lotion Sun Dance Kids by dm and Lavozon by Müller. Another relatively expensive product was the sunscreen from La Roche-Posay „Well“ rated.

Two sunscreen deficient
However, the tester was not convinced by the mineral sunscreen of Avène and Ream Suncare sunscreen, which are available, for example, from Kaufland and Mäc Geiz. According to Stiftung Warentest, the Ream Suncare sunscreen for children only achieves insufficient UVA and UVB protection. In addition, the sunscreen is so tough that it is hardly possible to apply it on the skin. In the case of the Avène sunscreen, the UVA protection was not sufficient. In general, it applies to the application, the sunscreen generously apply and cream regularly - „especially after every bath and when you sweat“, reports the Stiftung Warentest. This also applies to the waterproof sunscreen. The „Well“ According to the testers, the evaluated, tested products are also suitable for adults with very light or sensitive skin, especially since they do not contain any irritating fragrances, given their high sun protection factor.

Furthermore: avoid, dress, cream
Even though most sunscreen products for children meet the requirements for the sun protection factor, the recommendations of the Professional Association of German Dermatologists continue to apply for appropriate sun protection. This recommends the skin in general as little as possible to burden with UV radiation. For example, stays in the midday sun should be avoided. In addition, the skin should be protected if possible by appropriate clothing. Sun hats for toddlers are a must here. Even long-sleeved shirts and long pants can help to protect the skin. If it is not possible to avoid direct sunlight, a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 30 should be provided for children. (Fp)

Image: Manfred Walker.