The little secret of the tomato sauce

The little secret of the tomato sauce / Health News

A spicy tomato sauce, the little secret


Tomato sauce is not the same tomato sauce, that has already been experienced. A special seasoning can be achieved by chili peppers. In contrast to chili, however, salt should only be added at the very end.

A good tomato sauce is mostly based on tomatoes and tomato paste, as well as onion and garlic. If you like it a bit sharper, you should go back to Chili. Former star chef and spice miller Ingo Holland from the Bavarian Klingenberg recommends: „You can also directly add a dried chili pepper to the batch "and also: „If one wants above all the aroma, one leaves it completely. For more sharpness you hack them beforehand. "It is important that you add more spices or even fresh herbs later.

In addition to the improved taste chili peppers also have a positive health effect, they can help lower blood pressure. Zhiming Zhu from the Third Military Medical University in Chongqing, China, has studied the effects of chileagic on hypertension in a seven-month long-term study.

The star chef takes cinnamon
Holland itself likes to season with star anise, a bay leaf and rosemary. Some thyme and oregano also fit perfectly in the sauce. He also points to a rather rare ingredient: „An interesting note gets the sauce with cinnamon. "Important for the color: if you want to have a red sauce, the dried spices should be added as a whole and be fished out again after a short Mitgaren.To avoid that fresh herbs in the sauce cook and they remain visible, you give the fresh leaves, such as basil only in the last few minutes.

And finally, an important note from the chef: only at the very end salt, because „Otherwise, I will not be able to reduce the sauce any further. "If salt is added early, more and more liquid evaporates and the sauce becomes saltier. (Ad)

Picture: Joujou