That helps against the fear of flying

That helps against the fear of flying / Health News

Flying fear seminars help those affected


Fear of flying (aviophobia) is a significant problem for many travelers. As soon as you begin a flight, symptoms such as palpitations, tremors, shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting appear. Many sufferers therefore avoid air travel completely. But special seminars can definitely help against the fear of flying. Some airlines are taking part in such seminars, which are designed to allow travelers a relaxed, trouble-free flight.

Many sufferers have learned to overcome the fear of flying and today are sometimes enthusiastic flyers themselves. According to the news agency "dpa" of the emergency doctor Thomas Schulz of the Martin Luther Hospital in Berlin, who used to suffer from severe fear of flying and today in his spare time enthusiastic amateur pilot and paragliders. "Fear is an information deficit. It is the uncertainty of what could happen, "Thomas Schulz explains the phenomenon of fear of flying. An examination of the topic of flying and the elimination of the information deficit could counteract the fear of flying theoretically, but in most cases also practically.

Those affected must face the fear of flying
At the information deficit of those affected, most of the fear of flying seminars. In addition to the information on aircraft technology, however, they also provide information about the origins of the fears and provide those affected with strategies for coping with them. How efficient the seminars are, among other things, the Stiftung Warentest tested. Some providers did quite convincingly. But "anyone who wants to cope with fear must confront it and, after psycho logical preparation, actually fly" Andreas Mühlberger, psychologist at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, quoted by the Stiftung Warentest. How widespread the Aviophobie is actually, makes the Foundation with reference to a survey by the Institute for Demoscopy Allensbach clear, according to which 16 percent of Germans suffer from fear of flying and 22 percent feel uncomfortable when flying. More than a third of Germans, therefore, with a bad feeling on the plane and this, although the plane is one of the safest means of transport in the world.

Breathing exercises and relaxation techniques against fear of flying
An essential component of the fear of flying seminars is usually the teaching of strategies for coping with anxiety. Here are breathing exercises and relaxation techniques learned, with which the typical reactions of the body to be controlled. Especially suitable for fear of flying patients is the progressive muscle relaxation. Autogenic training can also help those affected to suppress emerging negative thoughts and fears from the head. In addition to the exercises and information, some of the seminars include a flight. The psychologist Karin Bonner, which offers appropriate seminars at Lufthansa, explained in the "dpa" message that it is also important to minimize the stress before embarking on the flight and to provide distraction during the flight. Here would be discussions with the neighbors, books or music. It could also help to talk to the crew about their own fears.

Note space selection in the aircraft
According to the expert, seat selection may also be important for fear of flying patients. For example, passengers who want to take their taxes would prefer the window seat, but the guest with panic attacks would prefer the aisle seat, explains the seminar leader. "The fact is that it wobbles a little less in the middle, because there is the focus of the aircraft," quotes the "dpa" the expert. In addition, those affected should ask themselves concretely, what they are actually afraid of flying. "Often it is not the entire flight, but only partial areas such as takeoff and turbulence," continues Karin Bonner. Here it would be advisable to learn specifically about the field of realistic knowledge and to record in short sentences on index cards. These can then read the affected people during the flight for reassurance. (Fp)

Picture: Rainer Brückner