This helps with sore throat

This helps with sore throat / Health News

Gargle with sage and chamomile tea soothes mild sore throat


The cold season has begun, so that even flu infections (colds) are not enough. A main symptom of the common cold is annoying sore throat. For mild sore throats, conventional medicines do not have to be used, as home remedies for natural medicine can effectively alleviate the symptoms, as explained by the Association of Otolaryngologists.

The throat is scratching and swallowing is causing pain. Especially in the cold season, many people plague with annoying sore throat as a result of a cold. If the pain is not very severe, home remedies can help to correct the symptoms. In case of severe pain, a doctor should be consulted better, as serious illnesses could be present.

Treat mild sore throat with sage tea and chamomile flowers
Mild sore throat can be soothed with soothing teas. The best are teas from the pharmacy or health food store with sage and chamomile. The leaves should not be drunk only hot, but used lukewarm for gargling. To gargle, a solution of a teaspoon of sage leaves and a teaspoon of chamomile flowers is poured over half a liter of water. After 20 minutes, the mixture can be used to gargle.

After gargling, the liquid is spit out again. In addition, patients should treat themselves to rest and a physical protection, so that the immune system can regenerate again, as the ENT doctor. med. Wolfgang Hornberger from the German Association of Otolaryngologists in Neumünster advises. After gargling hot tea can be drunk. Anyway, it's important to drink a lot and keep your neck warm with sage tea. Thus, the circulation of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa is promoted. The applications accelerate the healing process, as the doctor explained. Advantage of the essential oils of sage and chamomile is the proven anti-inflammatory effect. When used properly, viruses and bacteria are expelled and wound healing is promoted. The gargling should be repeated at least every two hours.

Discomfort aggravated, should consult a doctor
If the sore throat persists for more than three or four days, or if the symptoms get worse, then patients should go to their family doctor. The advice, so Hornberger, applies anyway if the pain is very pronounced and the physical condition increasingly worse. A clear warning sign is fever and chills. If the throat is severely reddened, the tonsils swollen, significant complaints occur during swallowing and if the lymph nodes are swollen, the physician also advises to consult a doctor immediately. Other home remedies for sore throat find sufferers on our pages. (Sb)

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