Intestinal type crucial for obesity?

Intestinal type crucial for obesity? / Health News

Is the intestinal type crucial for triggering obesity? Study result: Only three intestinal types worldwide.


There are only three different intestinal types worldwide. Although humans have innumerable different micro-organisms in the intestine, the intestinal flora can be classified into essentially three different intestinal types, according to the results of a comprehensive study under the leadership of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg.

According to the latest study results, the intestinal type decides on the individual nutritional use and thus also determines whether a person tends to become overweight or obese (obese). Depending on the bacterial species present, three different types of bacterial populations can be determined. „One could also speak of three different ecosystems“, said Peer Bork from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory.

Researchers are discovering three different gut types
As part of their study, the researchers had initially examined the stool samples of 39 people from Europe, Asia and America. After evaluating the first results, the study was subsequently extended by about 300 additional samples. The scientists led by the EMBL found that each person can be assigned to one of three different intestinal types based on the Keimpopulation in his digestive tract. „We have discovered that the composition of microbes in the human gut is not random“, stressed Peer Bork from the EMBL. The intestinal type forms - similar to the blood group - an individually stable feature, even if the distinction among themselves, according to the scientists less clear than in the blood groups. The researchers have their findings in the current issue of the journal „Nature“ released.

Gut types determine the food utilization
The bacterial species of the three different intestinal types determine the processing of ingested food. Thus, the current findings of the research group could also provide an explanation why some people despite relatively low food intake tend to overweight and others do not increase despite non-stop eating. According to the experts, the three intestinal types are differentially efficient, which could explain, „why the intake of nutrients and medicines varies from person to person“, emphasized Jeroen Raes from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, who was also involved in the study. The more effectively the intestinal bacteria of the respective germ population convert food to energy, the higher is the energy intake and the risk of obesity. How the respective Keimpopulations develop in the intestine and why three fundamentally different intestinal types come out as a result, the researchers could not clarify in their study, however.

Bowel types as an explanation for overweight and obesity
Scientists believe that a particular combination of microbacteria, which are particularly efficient in nutrient utilization, significantly increases the risk of obesity and obesity. To determine which of the three intestinal types can be linked to overweight, the researchers are planning another study with more than 100 subjects. They also want to determine whether possibly an individually better dosage of drugs according to the intestinal type is possible. Also the problem of so-called „bad forage-feeders“ may be explained by the different gut types. So could the author of the book „Man, are you thin! A program for people who would like to bring a few kilos more on the scales“, Susanne Nowitzki-Grimm, right with her statement that the bad food exploitation „above all (on) a genetic predisposition that one can not influence“, is due. Nor should the health risks of poor food utilization be underestimated. Because with her often goes one „Lack of essential nutrients and / or trace elements“ The lack of nutrients, among other things, can promote the development of osteoporosis and cause impairments of muscle function, according to the experts of the German Nutrition Advisory and Information Network. (Fp)

Read about intestines and obesity:
Diverticula: Fiber facilitates the intestine
Antibiotics damage the intestinal flora
Intestinal dysbiosis: Bacteria against bacteria
Naturopathy: Figs with constipation
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Image: Dieter Schütz