Intestinal infections Now kitchen hygiene in the summer

Intestinal infections Now kitchen hygiene in the summer / Health News

Intestinal Infections: Tips for More Kitchen Hygiene


Not only most people, but also bacteria like heat. In summer temperatures, the number of intestinal infections regularly rises. But with some tips for more hygiene, consumers can protect themselves from negative health consequences.

Gastrointestinal infections due to contaminated food
Each year, 250,000 to 350,000 gastrointestinal infections are registered by the Berlin Robert Koch Institute (RKI) nationwide. As „The world“ writes in a recent article, half of which can be attributed to contaminated food. In the summer months increase the number of infections and reach their peak in August. This is because not only people, but also bacteria feel comfortable with the warm temperatures. Especially on food they often find an ideal breeding ground to multiply in no time. When such contaminated foods are consumed, sufferers often face stomach problems such as stomach pain, diarrhea or nausea and vomiting.

Consumers can protect themselves
But consumers can protect themselves. Basically, hand washing is the most important hygiene rule to protect against infectious diseases. But not only the hands, even foods such as fruits, vegetables or fresh herbs should be thoroughly washed. Experts also recommend changing rags and towels in the kitchen at shorter intervals. In addition, as far as possible own cutting boards and knives for raw meat or poultry should be used in order not to delay possible germs on other foods.

Especially heat provides protection against germs
Especially heat offers protection against dangerous germs. Therefore, foods such as eggs, meat or poultry should be processed so that bacterial infection by Salmonella and Campylobacter can be greatly minimized. If the products in question are heated for a long time - for example, by cooking to such an extent that they reach at least 70 degrees Celsius in their core for at least two minutes - pathogens such as the EHEC bacterium will not stand a chance. The importance of protecting against EHEC (enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli) is illustrated by the epidemic three years ago, when nearly 4,000 people fell ill and more than 50 died. In EHEC infections, patients experience symptoms such as bloody diarrhea-like bowel movements, which are usually accompanied by complaints such as severe abdominal pain and fever.

Transport food in the cooler in the summer
Especially in the summer, it should be ensured that food is eaten quickly and not too long kept warm at low temperatures, as disease germs that have reached the food after heating, can multiply well between ten and 60 degrees Celsius. Perishable foods such as raw meat and raw fish, milk and eggs should ideally be brought home in the cooler if they are purchased on hot days. For the refrigerator, a temperature of a maximum of seven degrees Celsius, better still below five degrees is recommended. Special mindfulness is also appropriate when dealing with grilled meat. So it should be grilled as possible, so it does not come to infections and grilled steaks or sausages should be placed under any circumstances in the shell in which previously had the raw meat. (Ad)

Image: Sebastian Karkus