DAK study cancer scares people
Cancer scares people, according to a DAK study.
(10.11.2010)Although serious heart disease such as heart attack is the leading cause of death in Germany, most people are worried about cancer. According to a study by the German Employees' Health Insurance Fund (DAK), about two-thirds of respondents (73 percent) said they were primarily afraid of contracting a cancerous tumor. The health insurance company interviewed a total of 3,015 men and women throughout Germany. The study was funded by the prestigious Research Institute „Forsa“ carried out and is considered representative. All respondents were covered by health insurance at DAK.
More than every second surveyed German citizen (53 percent) is afraid of a serious accident with serious injuries. Thereafter, stroke (52 percent), Alzheimer's and dementia (50 percent) and heart attack (45 percent) are called. 30 percent of Germans are also afraid of a mental illness such as depression, followed by severe lung disease such as lung cancer (26 percent) and diabetes (20 percent).
Women are more afraid of illness than men
What was striking about the survey was that women, in particular, were afraid of serious illnesses. „Concern for women is much more pronounced than for men“, says DAK expert Dr. Christina Sewekov. The evaluation also showed that these fears of severe accidents are just as pronounced as in possible strokes. According to the doctor, women have a different body sensation. They see themselves more in harmony with their body, men, however, often regard their body as „Commodity“. This other body feeling is also noticeable in the prevention. Women are much more likely to take precautionary measures than men, and on average they also live healthier lives. According to the DAK study, 74 percent of women go for cancer screening. For men, only 46 percent regularly take medical precautions. To prevent diseases, 80 percent of the respondents exercise regularly. Low alcohol consumption and healthy nutrition are mentioned almost as often.
Young people are particularly afraid of cancer
According to the study, especially young people are afraid of serious diseases such as cancer. For example, at the age of 81 percent, 14 to 29-year-olds are the most fearful of cancer. Also, the fear of serious accidents or a mental illness such as depression is greater in younger than in the elderly. For the respondents over the age of 60, the fear of cancer (63 percent) and of Alzheimer's or dementia (59 percent) is almost the same.
Enlightenment in teens begin
„If young people are very afraid of cancer, then this feeling should be used more than before for health care“, emphasizes DAK expert Dr. Christina Sewekov. „We start with prevention work for adolescents and young adults, for example, pointing out the benefits of early detection and a healthy lifestyle.“ According to the DAK study, 45 percent of 14- to 29-year-olds rate their present state of health as „very well“. For the older participants over 60 years, there are only 17 percent. This shows that there is a contradiction between the real state of health and the existing fears.
Health insurance asks for cancer screening
Legislation allows women to participate in a free cancer screening study from the age of 20. The investigations focus on the genitals. From the age of 30, all statutory health insurance women can also have a breast cancer screening examination performed by their gynecologist. According to the DAK, men over the age of 45 should have their rectum, prostate and genital organs examined once a year as a precautionary measure. Cancers are best cured if diagnosed early. Because once symptoms and symptoms are noticed, it may already be too late.
85 percent feel healthy
Despite all the worries and fears, however, the majority of those surveyed feel healthy. The majority of respondents also said they regularly do something for their health. Many exercise sports and pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet. In the best of health, the people in Bremen seem to enjoy themselves. Here, only 9 percent of respondents said their health was „bad“ or even „very bad“. The people of Berlin, on the other hand, said they did not feel so well about their health. Here, 21 percent stated during the survey that they felt bad or very bad. (sb, Dak, 10.11.2010)
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