DAK researchers Most Germans fear cancer
According to a recent survey, cancer is by far the most feared disease of the Germans. Around 70 percent of Germans are afraid of a tumor. One in two respondents said they were afraid of dementia or Alzheimer's. Pleasing: The commitment to one's own health is growing.
Cancer is the most feared disease of the Germans
Years ago, research showed that Germans are primarily afraid of cancer and dementia. Not much has changed. This shows a recent study of DAK-health. According to this, seven out of ten people in Germany are most afraid of cancer. In adults between 30 and 44 years and women, the fear is particularly large, according to a statement from the health insurance. However, the survey also showed that the commitment to one's own health is growing. More and more people are therefore going to check-ups and keep fit with sports and healthy diet.
Especially people in middle age and women fear tumors
The survey of over 1,000 men and women by the Forsa Institute showed that the fear of a malignant tumor is highest among 69 percent of Germans. Especially adults between the ages of 30 and 44 (77 percent) and women (72 percent) are worried about cancer.
Every second (50 percent) is afraid of Alzheimer's or dementia. Almost as many people (47 percent) are concerned about having a stroke or serious injury (43 percent). The fear of a heart attack is known to four out of ten respondents.
34 percent of respondents expressed their fear of serious eye diseases such as blindness. 27 percent said they feared mental illness like depression. This was followed by severe lung diseases (24 percent), diabetes (18 percent) and sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS (13 percent)..
Germans are more committed to their health
The survey also showed that respondents were more committed to their health compared to the previous year. 56 percent use cancer screening and 46 percent use the health check for cardiovascular diseases.
Regular sports activities and healthy nutrition are also very popular with the German citizens. "It's good that more people actively promote their health," said Hella Thomas, DAK health prevention expert.
Teenagers and young adults are afraid of mental illness
The DAK analysis also showed that the fear of mental illness mainly affects adolescents and young adults between the ages of 14 and 29 years. Accordingly, 40 percent fear that they will suffer from depression and other mental illnesses. However, mental illness is diagnosed significantly more often in older people than in young adults.
Meanwhile, scientific studies have even provided evidence that mental illness in old age occur much more frequently than often assumed.
And a report by the Federal Statistical Office said years ago: "An estimated one-quarter of the 65-year-olds and older suffers from a mental disorder of some kind."
But in the current survey, the over-60s showed the least fear of mental illness (21 percent).
Health status of the Baden-Württemberg particularly good
Overall, 88 percent of Germans rate their current state of health as good or very good. In comparison of the federal states and regions, the people in Baden-Württemberg with 92 percent rate their state of health as particularly good. In the north there are only 85 percent. (Ad)