City BKK employees sue against dismissals

City BKK employees sue against dismissals
The insolvency-threatened health insurance City BKK closes at the beginning of next month. According to media reports, dismissed employees have submitted a lawsuit against the dismissals. According to the District Court of Berlin, so far about 250 complaints have been received by employees of the City BKK. The employees do not want to accept their dismissal without a fight, it was said from employee representative circles. Whether it actually comes in all cases to processes is still unclear. Numerous proceedings have already started negotiations on friendly agreements between employer and employee. Whether it can come to agreements, is uncertain. So far, no quality approvals have been achieved.
So that not every case is negotiated individually, a model procedure could be envisaged. Many plaintiffs are represented by the same lawyers or representatives of the law. If a trial could be conducted, the claim could be transferred to the other applicants. Whether such a model procedure can be sought is still uncertain.
Before the closure, 168,000 people had health insurance at the health insurance. The majority of former customers have found a new health insurance. According to the City BKK are still 30,000 people without a new fund. For this you want to contact the insured directly to help in the search for a new health insurance. In Berlin alone, the bankruptcy of City BKK hit around 80,000 people. The offices and headquarters in Stuttgart will be closed on the first of July. The closure also affects 400 employees. (Sb)
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Picture: Pauline