Cineol improves asthma control

Main ingredient of eucalyptus oil Cineole improves asthma control
According to current surveys, 5.2 percent of men and 6.1 percent of women in Germany suffer from bronchial asthma, and the trend is rising. In 2010, physicians prescribed 15 million prescriptions - mostly with cortisone-containing medications. However, asthma control could be improved in a patient-friendly way with the help of cineole preparations, as a recent study shows.
Cineole is a major constituent of eucalyptus oil and a precursor of herbal steroids. The essential oil has anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant and expectorant. Previously, it has been used in scientific studies as an effective substance for the treatment of upper respiratory tract inflammation and chronic bronchitis.
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Worth, Chief Physician of the Medical Clinic I at the Klinikum Fürth and Chairman of the German Respiratory League presented a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind study at the last congress of the German Society of Pneumology in Dresden, which proves the benefit of concomitant cineol in asthmatic patients.
The study included 247 patients with persistent asthma (mean age: 53 years). Eighty-six (126) of them took 200 mg cineole (3 times daily) for six months, and the control group (121 patients) received a placebo instead. Asthma symptoms, lung function and asthma-related quality of life were examined. The evaluation showed:
- The adjunctive therapy with cineol resulted in significantly better results than placebo in all three parameters.
- Patients treated with the cineole product reported significantly less respiratory distress at rest and under exercise than subjects in the control group.
- The incidence of cough and sputum also decreased significantly during therapy with cineole compared to placebo.
- Quality of life and lung function also improved after six months.
- Adverse effects were equally reported in both groups.
Conclusion of Professor Worth: „Cineol may also be used as concomitant medication in patients with asthma to improve control with a decrease in symptoms and quality of life“. (KFN 06/2011 - 10.05.2011)