Chronic tooth disease Cretaceous teeth spread faster than tooth decay - Plasticisers are the main trigger

New widespread disease: chalk teeth sometimes more common than tooth decay
According to health experts, the so-called "chalk teeth" represent a new widespread disease. In some age groups, their occurrence is even higher than that of tooth decay. The cause of the disease is, among other things, plasticizers made of plastic.
When brushing your teeth hurts
Health experts repeatedly point out how important regular brushing is. Because proper oral hygiene can not only prevent gingivitis, toothache and unpleasant bad breath, but also caries efficiently. For people who suffer from so-called "chalk teeth", however, the brushing is usually painful. In addition, it is in these persons as prophylaxis not sufficient to protect the teeth from decay. Experts explain what they should be aware of.

Chalk teeth are extremely sensitive to pain
According to health experts, so-called molar incisional hypomineralization (MIH) (also called "chalk teeth") is a new widespread disease.
According to Prof. Dr. med. Norbert Krämer, President of the DGKiZ (German Society of Pediatric Dentistry), has a higher prevalence in children and adolescents than caries in certain age groups.
As explained in a communication of the DGZMK (German Society of Dental and Oral Medicine), MIH means a systemic structural anomaly primarily of the enamel, which is due to a mineralization disorder.
It occurs on one to all four first remaining molars (molars). Such "chalk teeth" are very sensitive to pain and extremely sensitive to heat, cold and brushing teeth.
Dental disease caused by plasticisers in plastic
According to the DGZMK, MIH has undergone rapid development. The disease was first scientifically described in 1987, today can already speak of a new widespread disease.
According to the information, an average of ten to 15 percent of children suffer from MIH, in the case of 12-year-olds, according to the 5th German Oral Health Study (DMS V), the rate is now over 30 percent.
As stated in the communication, plasticizers taken from food appear to play a major role in their formation.
Based on animal experiments, a relationship between the consumption of bisphenol A (BPA) and the development of MIH could be demonstrated.
Nevertheless, with appropriate prophylaxis impending caries attack can be averted for such teeth and their preservation can be secured.
According to the DGZMK, other potential causes of MIH are pregnancy problems, infectious diseases, antibiotics, chickenpox, dioxin and upper respiratory diseases.
However, the precise causes are still considered unexplained.
Connection is questioned
However, other experts doubt the connection between BPA consumption and MIH development.
Thus writes the Federal Institute for Risk Research (BfR) in the title of a message:
"Connection between 'crayon teeth' in children (Molar incisor hypomineralization, MIH) and the uptake of bisphenol A is unlikely according to the current state of knowledge".
According to the BfR, the reports on a possible link between MIH and BPA are based on the study by Getron and colleagues (2013), who investigated the relationship between exposure to BPA and enamel mineralization in animal experiments.
The BfR has "evaluated this study and concludes that there is no reliable link between the intake of BPA via food contact materials and the development of MIH in children."
Declining quality of life due to pain sensitivity
According to the DGZMK, clinically the different severity of the disease is noticeable. While in some patients the mineralization disorder is limited to a single hump, in others it affects the entire surface of the teeth.
In the mild form show often white-yellowish or yellow-brown areas to brown spots on the teeth. In the severe form also show splintered or missing enamel or even a broken tooth.
Concerned patients complain of pain when drinking, eating and brushing their teeth. This impairs the quality of life of the young patients and complicates the treatment at the dentist.
Nevertheless, in these cases urgent therapeutic intervention is urgently required.
Prevention not possible - prophylaxis already
Since the changes already occur during tooth development and the exact causes are not yet clear, effective prevention against MIH is not possible, explained Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Zimmer, President of DGPZM (German Society for Preventive Dentistry (DGPZM).
However, because MIH teeth have a rough surface and a lower quality in substance, they are particularly prone to tooth decay.
Therefore, in addition to brushing teeth, a particularly intensive prophylaxis must be used to protect the teeth from caries.
Above all, fluoridation measures are available for this purpose, which can be carried out both at the dentist's and at home and must be applied age-related.
Regular checkup with the dentist, treatment with fluoride varnish as well as the construction of the teeth with different techniques can help to preserve MIH affected teeth with good care for a lifetime. (Ad)