Cholera epidemic in the Congo - Already 38,000 infections

Cholera epidemic in the Congo - Already 38,000 infections / Health News

Already 38,000 infected - with an upward trend

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is currently plagued by a massive cholera epidemic unprecedented in the country's history. There are already 38,000 registered cases in 21 of the country's 26 provinces. The Congolese Ministry of Health has already reported more than 700 victims. MSF is working in the province of South Kivu to provide free medical assistance. According to MSF, it will take weeks before the epidemic can be contained.

Even in cities where no cholera cases were known, MSF reported infections. MSF's Country Coordinator Francisco Otero says: "One of the main reasons why cholera cases have risen so much this year is the drought." Many safe water sources are dehydrated or the water level is so low that humans are forced to source water from insecure sources such as rivers and lakes. "The authorities are not in a position to provide the population with clean drinking water," Otero warns on the website of the aid organization.

The persistent drought in the Congo drives people to drink from unsafe sources, putting them at risk of cholera infection. (Image: Riccardo Niels Mayer /

How can cholera spread so much??

According to MSF, especially the densely populated cities like Goma, Minova and Bukavu are affected. Since the bacterial infectious disease transmits predominantly by contaminated drinking water or infected food, the disease spreads in metropolitan areas with contaminated water particularly strong. Those affected report on the MSF website about the importance of hygiene to protect themselves from cholera. Water must be boiled, fruits and vegetables washed thoroughly. Also, the hands and the toilet must be constantly kept clean.

Children have an increased risk of infection

In many cases, infants increasingly become infected with the cholera bacteria because they can not constantly monitor what they eat, drink or do while playing or at school. Innocent Kunywana, Médecins Sans Frontier Operations Officer in South Kivu, reports: "We believe that starting school has contributed to the spread of cholera".

Cholera - nothing new in Congo

Although cholera is a widespread disease in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which is considered endemic in some areas, according to MSF there are insufficient preventive measures and insufficient information in the population. Despite recurrent outbreaks, some health care workers do not know how to properly treat patients with cholera in order to limit an epidemic. "We have found hospitals where cholera patients are shared with patients with other illnesses," says Kunywana. The risk of infection for relatives and other patients is therefore very high.

How can you protect yourself from cholera??

In addition to a oral vaccine, which protects only about 85 percent from the disease, the Foreign Office recommends to observe some basic rules. So you should drink only water of safe origin. If in doubt, you have to filter, disinfect or boil the water. Also for dishwashing and brushing must be used drinking water. All foods should be cooked, peeled or disinfected. Flies must be kept away from the food. Hands should be washed with soap as often as possible. Especially after the stool and before the meal preparation, a hand disinfection is appropriate. (Fp)