Chaos of radioactivity limits

Chaos of radioactivity limits / Health News

Drawer Regulation in the case of a nuclear super-Gau in the EU


After the atomic super-meltdown in Chernobyl, many mushrooms and dairy products were also radioactively contaminated in Germany. To this day, the limits for mushrooms have been exceeded in many places. According to the consumer protection organization „Food Watch“ There are different limits in the European Union (EU), depending on the country of origin of the food. If it comes to a super-Gau in one of the European member countries, adjusted values ​​are already in the drawers of the competent commissions. An absurdity, as Foodwatch reminds. Consumers therefore demand uniform values. The Federal Republic has also made an advance in the direction of Brussels.

Since April this year, stricter limits for radioactively contaminated foodstuffs have been in force in Japan, after the worst reactor accident since Chernobyl. However, in the EU one has for a while before „special way“ decided. If a nuclear reactor disaster occurs in one of the EU member states, the Commission considers that information from „Food Watch“ a so-called drawer ordinance is already available in Brussels. In these emergency regulations much higher values ​​are announced, as the limits after the disasters in Chernobyl or Fukushima. That's a real thing „Limit-chaos“ according to the experts of the consumer organization. Because the EU works with three different regulations.

High half lives of up to 30 years
The control limits are mainly related to the exposure of cesium in food. Both radioactive variants, isotopes -134 and -137, have a high half-life and decay only very slowly. After two years, cesium-134 has reached half-life and cesium-137 half-life only after 30 years. This EU regulation is meanwhile also criticized by the Federal Environment Ministry. Across from „World Online“ Ministry spokesman Jürgen Maaß said: "Germany launched an initiative in August 2011 to rectify the current confusing situation, and in March, the official letter went to the EU Commission." However, nothing has happened yet.

Relatively strict, however, are the EU import thresholds for Japanese food imported from Japan. For example, baby food may not exceed a load of 50 becquerels per kilogram (Bq / kg). The same values ​​apply to milk and milk products. Other foods, such as the popular nuri leaves for sushi, can reach a maximum load of 100 Bq / kg. However, the environmental institute Munich advises to establish a maximum value for food of between 30 and 50 becquerels per kilogram of total cesium activity. For children, nursing mothers and pregnant women, the maximum values ​​should be between 10 and 20 becquerels per kilogram.

The limits in Japan were much more stringent even before March 2012 than the two current European values. When Chernobyl experienced the worst of the year, highs in food were first introduced in 1986. These were initially for the affected regions of the USSR. The same-named food and feed regulation from Ukraine and Belarus is still valid today. Only recently, the maximum limit regulation was extended until 2020, because the values ​​are regularly exceeded. These limits, which were created at that time, are still regarded as the standard today.

EU drawer ordinance for nuclear accidents
But there is still a third, in the drawer lingering Richtgrenzverordnung. In the case of radioactive pollution due to a reactor nuclear accident within the EU, other food and feed limits will suddenly be applied. These are many times higher than the limits that currently apply to imports from Japan.

Foodwatch calls for uniform regulatory limits
But that should not be, criticized „Food Watch“ and calls for a uniform regulation. „Even in the event of a disaster, it is important to bring the least contaminated products to the people, in order to keep the radiation dose as low as possible, "said Martin Rücker of the independent initiative, because any contamination can lead to cancer very high in order to be able to import the food nevertheless and to guarantee a supply of the population. "In today's globalized world a supply of largely unloaded products should be possible.", so the criticism of Foodwatch.

The Federal Ministry for the Environment confirmed the information provided by Foodwatch. The Emergency Ordinance, however, went from a state of emergency prevail in the euro. And of the fact that only food within the EU would be exported and imported. In addition, the period of validity is limited to a maximum of three months. If the initiative from Germany is successful, the currently more than 20-year-old limit ordinances would be reviewed. Whether they are then interpreted stricter, the ministry did not want confirmed. (Sb)

Read about:
What meltdown or super-GAU mean?
Health: long-term consequences of radioactive radiation

Image: Thommy Weiss