Cannabis harms the brains of teenagers more than alcohol

Cannabis harms the brains of teenagers more than alcohol / Health News

How does the use of cannabis affect adolescents??

The use of cannabis among teenagers is not uncommon. Researchers have now found that when teenagers consume cannabis, their brains, which are still in development, are badly damaged, even more than alcohol consumption.

Researchers at the University of Montreal in Canada found in their recent research that cannabis use in adolescents has a negative impact on brain development. The physicians published the results of their study in the English language journal "American Journal of Psychiatry".

The consumption of cannabis damages the brains of adolescents especially strongly. (Image: Syda Productions /

Teenagers should not consume cannabis until later in life

The negative effects of cannabis use on teen thinking, memory and behavior were found to be stronger than alcohol consumption. That's why teenagers should not consume cannabis as much as possible, the authors suggest.

Examination had 3,800 adolescent subjects

The study included 3,800 adolescents who were medically monitored over a four-year period, from the age of about 13 years. Alcohol and drug use (such as cannabis) at a young age is known to cause problems with cognitive skills such as learning, attention, and decision-making. In addition, school performance is also negatively affected, the researchers say. The current study shows that the problems mentioned above increase as the use of cannabis increases. The negative effects were, however, in contrast to those of alcohol persist, the doctors continue.

Health risks from the use of cannabis?

For the study, participating youth from 31 different Canadian schools provided information on their drug and drinking habits once a year. In addition, the abilities of the subjects' brains were also examined at school every year using computer-based cognitive tests.

How widespread was the use of cannabis?

Although the use of cannabis in the study was relatively low compared to alcohol consumption, 28 percent of adolescents still indicated that they had consumed cannabis. By comparison, 75 percent of teens said they at least occasionally drank alcohol.

Negative effects on cognitive abilities

Study author Professor Patricia J. Conrod of the University of Montreal said on the study's findings that she expected alcohol to have a greater impact on teenage brains. Instead, in the adolescents who consumed cannabis, the researchers found worse outcomes in cognitive testing, both during the time they consumed cannabis and after they stopped consuming it. These effects have been observed in working memory, in reasoning and in the ability to control their behavior, the medical profession reports.

What withdrawal symptoms can cause cannabis?

The teenage brain is still developing and cannabis is disrupting this development, explains Professor Conrod. The findings clearly underline the importance of drug prevention programs, adds the physician. Cannabis is considered the most widely used illegal drug in the UK, according to the expert. Consumption can make people mentally dependent and it has been shown that the use of cannabis, especially in adolescents, increases the risk of developing psychotic disorders. Abandoning cannabis can cause users to experience withdrawal symptoms such as sleep disturbances and mood swings, the researchers say. (As)