Burnout Prevention No Worker Job Frustration

Burnout Prevention No Worker Job Frustration / Health News

Increasing stress on the job


More and more employees are frustrated. The reason: the workload is growing and growing, but there is no more workforce. For many men and women it means overtime or weekend work - and a lot of pressure on their shoulders. Who is from the „Overtime Trap“ wants to liberate, has to learn to prevail against supervisors and also can not avoid minimizing their own claims.

Overtime and weekend work are increasing
Overtime, weekend work or on vacation in the evening „only fast“ checking e-mails: more and more people are working more and more hours outside of their regular working hours. This causes anger and frustration, especially if the boss's approval fails and more pressure builds up instead. As a result, the motivation of employees drops significantly. Like the renowned market and opinion research institute „Gallup“ In a representative telephone survey of 2,198 workers, ages 18+, 24 percent of men and women already have „internally terminated“, another 61 percent only do „Call of duty“.

Almost a third feels „burned out“
The dissatisfaction of many workers seems to be great. Like the Gallup experts as part of their annual „Commitment Index“ 18 percent of respondents often feel rushed at work. Nearly a third (32 percent) stated as well, „felt burned out by the increasing work stress in the last 30 days“ - which extrapolates to all employees just under 11 million affected. According to Marco Nink, Senior Consultant at Gallup Germany, „Above all, workers in the age group between 35 and 54 years [...] are subjected to greater pressure“ feel, „because at this stage of their lives, many of them are trying to balance career and family“, so the explanation of the expert. In addition, people in the new federal states would be more affected by these developments than colleagues in the old Länder.

Relapse into early capitalist relationships“
More and more people are therefore at risk of burnout - this result is also for the
Career coach Klaus Merg no surprise: „Fewer and fewer people have to do more and more work. Often psychic pressure comes from the supervisor, who demands even more power“, so the expert opposite the „dpa“. According to Merg, workers today have given up many of the achievements of recent centuries, including regular working hours. So have one „Relapse into early capitalist relationships“ started, which shows that people do more and more work in less time and are available at any time after work, so the Hamburg career adviser and journalist Martin Wehrle to the dpa.

With courage from the „Overtime Trap“
This situation increases the pressure on the individual immensely. As a result, private life, hobbies and friendships are becoming increasingly common. To get out of the „Overtime Trap“ workers would have to muster the courage to rebel against prevailing circumstances. At the same time, those affected should seek out like-minded people from the circle of colleagues in order to achieve more assertiveness together: „If everyone consistently ends work on time, then not a single individual gets into an explanation“, so the tip of the coach. In addition, employees should also learn to clear the boss „stop“ to say - should this not work, according to Martin Wehrle might have to be enforced even more. „Then you have to have the courage and let a project go against the wall, so that the company reacts“, so the expert opposite the dpa.

More sovereignty through additional qualifications
However, lurking here dangers - because such a confrontation could allow only high performers, according to Martin Wehrle. Who on the other hand too „The weaker 50 percent of his team counts, then possibly even more problems“, warns Martin Wehrle. In order to take no risk here, employees should instead try to show willingness to perform and acquire additional qualifications through training - this could in many cases subsequently also improve the daily work routine.

Reduce your own claims
In addition, according to the experts, employees should from time to time review their own claims and generally not expect too much from their job. Because as the Cologne psychologist and coach Manuel Tusch told dpa, the risk of disappointment, the higher the expectations in terms of salary and recognition by the boss. His tip: „However, when I expect a little bit of everything, my bottom line expectations are met more often.“ In addition, the job is not everything, because „If I would like to receive appreciation, then I find it after work with my family or in a volunteer position.“ (No)

Image: Wolfgang Pfensig