Burnout in the nursery Many children suffer from great stress

Burnout in the nursery Many children suffer from great stress / Health News
More than every sixth child and every fifth adolescent in Germany feels very stressed
Burnout connects most people with overworked managers. But already children are under great stress and are at risk. This was the result of a study by the University of Bielefeld on behalf of the Bepanthen child promotion program. According to this, more than every sixth child and every fifth adolescent in Germany suffers from great stress. Often the parents' expectations of the offspring are to blame.

Children at high stress levels often suffer from fear of failure and depression
According to the study, 18 percent of children and 19 percent of adolescents said they were feeling very stressed. The affected children are often angry and angry and also suffer from fear of failure. Nearly half of those affected reported being scared to disappoint their parents. Stress also has immense effects on the psyche among young people. Eleven percent of severely stressed adolescents were depressed. Almost 14 percent said they felt like failures and voluntarily withdrew from the social environment.

Burnout already in the nursery. When children suffer from stress. (Image: MNStudio- fotolia)

As the study shows, parents 'high pressure on their parents' expectations and the lack of space for self-determination often cause the high stress levels of many children and adolescents. This pressure and the resulting excessive demands often lead to depression, fear of failure and a significantly increased potential for aggression. The parents are not aware of what they trigger with their expectations in the offspring. For example, 87 percent of parents surveyed said they did not overburden their child. 50 percent said they do everything they can to promote their child.

Stressed children often have too little room for self-determination
The high stress level of many children and adolescents is also expressed in physical symptoms. For example, those affected suffer from difficulty falling asleep, abdominal and headaches as well as tiredness and lack of energy. "These are classic burn-out symptoms that are important warning signs for parents," says study leader Holger Ziegler from the University of Bielefeld.

The study shows that two factors in particular have a major impact on the stress levels of children and adolescents: on the one hand, the number of appointments and one's own decision are decisive. "For example, 39 percent of the 12-16 year-olds have at least one fixed post-school appointment three or more days a week - such as Music, soccer or swimming lessons, "shares the Bepanthen child support program. "In addition, they often can not decide on their own and experience appointments and tasks as compulsion and burden." More than 60 percent of stressed children said they were only partially or never asked for their opinion. More than 85 percent of children with high levels of stress are not involved in their own leisure planning.

In addition, tasks in the household as a stress factor. "There are families where children have to go to the authorities, take on the education of siblings, or manage the entire household. That's sad but true. Therefore, it is important to give the children other freedom for a healthy child development, "says Bernd Siggelkow, founder of the children and youth welfare organization" The Ark ".

The researchers interviewed a total of 1,100 children and adolescents aged between six and 16 and their parents as part of the study "Burnout in the nursery: how stressed are children and adolescents in Germany". (Ag)