Burn-out patients conceal their suffering

Burn-out patients conceal their suffering / Health News

Burn-out patients do not talk about their illness in the workplace


Many patients with burn-out syndrome conceal their problems at work. The pollster Innofact has found in a representative survey that 40 percent of burn-out patients in a professional environment do not talk about their mental illness.

Almost half of the burn-out patients do not discuss their mental health problems with colleagues or their supervisor. Although a large part returns to the old post after the burn-out that has survived, the psychological difficulties of those affected are hardly discussed in the occupational field. Every sixth burn-out patient changes jobs as a result of excessive psychological stress, according to the latest survey by the opinion research institute Innofact.

Many burn-out patients do not talk about their problems
On behalf of the temporary employment agency Randstad, the opinion research institute Innofact surveyed 627 burnout patients on the handling of their mental health problems. The researchers found that 40 percent of burn-out patients in a professional environment do not talk about their mental health problems - neither with colleagues nor with superiors. Apparently it is particularly difficult for those affected to talk at work about their own mental suffering. The fear of the reaction certainly plays a not insignificant role, but who communicates his difficulties openly, can also hope for support. Almost 25 percent of respondents said burn-out patients that their colleagues had responded positively to open-ended discussions about the mental health problems and helped provide assistance. Overall, 71 percent of respondents have returned to their previous position in the company after surviving burn-out syndrome, regardless of whether or not they previously talked to their colleagues about their condition or not, according to the findings of the current study. However, more than a sixth (17.2 percent) of burn-out patients have left their old company. Another 11 percent have been looking for a new area of ​​responsibility.

Pressure to perform at work Risk factor for burn-out
The burn-out syndrome is a growing problem in the high-performance work environment. More and more working people are no longer able to cope with the psychological pressure. The President of the Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, dr. Wolfgang Senf said in March this year that „Research on burnout is mainly a work organization framework for the risks of chronic fatigue“ renames. Individual reasons play only a subordinate role according to the expert. „Finally, total exhaustion occurs when people can no longer replenish their work-related resource and energy consumption“, explained Dr. Mustard. In particular, the very dedicated employees are subject, according to the expert, a particularly high burn-out risk. Be good work „to a certain extent to the risk“, because who does his job properly, is often overwhelmed with other sometimes difficult tasks, stressed. Mustard. This inevitably leads to overwork and therefore often to severe mental, physical and mental fatigue in the hitherto healthy people.

Symptoms of burn-out syndrome
According to the experts, the first signs of a possible burn-out syndrome are physical, mental and emotional states of exhaustion. Those affected suffer from an increasing lack of drive, often suffer from stress or irritation and hardly rest or can not switch off anymore. At the same time, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue and a kind of inner restlessness are relatively common, explained the specialists at the Congress for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy in mid-March. The result may also be increased psychosomatic complaints, Dr. Mustard. The expert also pointed out that those affected need professional support in the form of supervision and psychotherapy as early as possible. In addition, further treatment options were to be individually tailored to the patients, emphasized Dr. med. Mustard. According to the expert, it would often be enough if those affected change the job or the job, otherwise cures and a longer recovery period are recommended. (Fp)

Read about Burn Out:
Burnout Syndrome: Total Exhaustion
Burn out usually affects the committed
More and more people are affected by burnout syndrome
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Picture: Gerd Altmann