Nationwide recall Bio-manufacturer recalls vegetable broths and bouillon cubes due to health risks

Undeclared allergen: Manufacturer launches recall for vegetable stock
The dennree GmbH from the Bavarian town of Töpen has started a recall for vegetable stock and vegetable bouillon cubes. According to the company, the products may contain undeclared allergen celery. People with a celery allergy should not consume the food.
Health impairments possible
The organic wholesaler dennree from Töpen (Bavaria) recalls several articles because they could contain the undeclared allergen celery. "People who are allergic to celery can be affected by this product health," the company writes in a message that was published on the portal "" of the Federal States and the Federal Office of Consumer Protection.

Vegetable broth and vegetable bouillon cubes
The following products (all batches and best-before dates) are affected by the recall:
- dennree vegetable stock-yeast-free 130 gr.
- dennree vegetable stock refill-yeast-free 250 gr.
- dennree vegetable broth refill with organic yeast 250 gr.
- dennree vegetable bouillon cube - yeast-free - 60 gr.
- dennree vegetable bouillon cubes - with organic yeast - 66 gr.
According to the information, all batches are taken out of the sale.
Allergy sufferers should not consume the affected products
"For people who are not affected by a celery allergy, the products are safe to consume," says the manufacturer.
Customers with a celery allergy are advised not to consume the affected products, but to return them to the respective point of sale.
The purchase amount will also be refunded without a receipt.
One of the most important allergens of plant food
As the Medical University (MedUni) Vienna writes on its website, celery in Central Europe "is one of the most important plant-derived allergens in adults and can cause mild, oral symptoms or life-threatening anaphylactic reactions."
According to the information so far three important allergens are identified: Api g1, Api g4 and Api g5.
Nearly 59 percent of people with celery allergy respond to Api g1 and 23-41 percent to Api g 4.
However, the celery allergy is usually found as a cross-allergy in birch pollen and / or Beifuβallergikern and very rarely as the right food allergy. (Ad)